

加国华人不想被驱逐,必须表衷心选边站了,移民必须和中国势不两立 Expel all formal and informal agents of the PRC in Canada that are intimidating Canadians,

including Chinese-Canadians, and threatening our interests. This includes bringing forward legislation to prevent the foreign funding of Confucius Institute programs that have started to influence public schools across the country.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 加国华人不想被驱逐,必须表衷心选边站了,移民必须和中国势不两立 Expel all formal and informal agents of the PRC in Canada that are intimidating Canadians,
    including Chinese-Canadians, and threatening our interests. This includes bringing forward legislation to prevent the foreign funding of Confucius Institute programs that have started to influence public schools across the country.
    • 真怀疑你是否看得懂英文, +14
    • 我给你翻译一下吧:驱逐所有正式与非正式的中国特工。这些特工们恐吓威胁包括华裔在内的加拿大人。你是需要靠边站了 +14
      • 你的英文水平堪忧,“,”后面的including是指前面的中国agent,包括一些加拿大华人 +2
        • 哈哈,就你这水平,大使馆应该至少招些英语过四级的吧 +14
          • His English is not general, should be very low. How could he take any action for CCP when something happens if he does not understand English well? +4
        • including 指前面的 canadians 吧 +1
        • 你堪忧的水平堪忧,LOL +6
        • Canadians, including Chinese-Canadians +5
      • 对翻墙过来的没影响。 +3
    • 危言耸听,最多最多最多清洗在加拿大的中共党员,关我们普通老百姓屁事! +9
    • 本人观点不代表宇宙,也不代表家庭成员。 专业揭露大陆激素移民骗子团伙。 *虚假爱国,强行代表中国人民,打击异己。 *不学无术,拒绝接受现代文明,大嘴巴吃四方。 *苏联式教育培养出来的知识怪胎,充斥辩证法,唯物论。 +5
      • 刚去51看了一下,发现我10年前的签名还在