

佩洛西真牛,说自己被理发店下套陷害。已发律师信,要求理发店主道歉认罪。'The salon owes me an apology for setting me up'。我就喜欢配姐这样放飞自我!嗯,理发店主不懂政治规矩,不知敬畏,妄议中央,肆意妄为,应立即双规,钦此。

A defiant House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday claimed she was “set up” and a hair salon in San Francisco “owes” her an “apology” after it was revealed the California Democrat visited the business despite local ordinances keeping salons closed amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 佩洛西真牛,说自己被理发店下套陷害。已发律师信,要求理发店主道歉认罪。'The salon owes me an apology for setting me up'。我就喜欢配姐这样放飞自我!嗯,理发店主不懂政治规矩,不知敬畏,妄议中央,肆意妄为,应立即双规,钦此。 +4
    A defiant House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday claimed she was “set up” and a hair salon in San Francisco “owes” her an “apology” after it was revealed the California Democrat visited the business despite local ordinances keeping salons closed amid the coronavirus pandemic.
    • 这个老太婆真不要脸,说话算话的好人真当不了政客,老川算最近几十年唯一的例外。打破了行规,让美国人看到,政客也有不打嘴炮,说到做到的,所以民主党千方百计给他泼脏水,现在民调也不行了,又开始动邮寄选票的歪脑筋。 +6
    • 本来有些事没那么严重,用不着上纲上线的。可是他们自己非要把要求提到这么高的,要求别人,做不到就是混蛋,被打被杀都活该。等别人这么要求他们,他们就跳了。 +4
      • 左派的特质。所谓伪君子比真小人更可怕了就是说这个的 +3
        • 本坛粉红亦是如此 +1
    • 从老太太第一天弹簧美国总统开始,我就判断老太太不是以前的老太太。应该是老年痴呆症。从那时候起,她由赢家变成输家。 +2