


台灣雙十慶典 總統蔡英文願意在「符合對等尊嚴的原則下 和北京促成有意義的對話」



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 学科技术 / 请教同学们一个问题:关于DNS数据更新的
    The website used to be on a server with the IP address of ip-A. Recently it was migrated to a new server ip-B. DNS settings have been updated.

    Now most visitors are directed to ip-B correctly.

    However, still a few visitors are accessing ip-A, probably because their DNS servers are not refreshed. The domain name is still pointing to ip-A on those DNS servers.

    My questions is, is it possible to "force-update" all DNS servers that contain the domain name of this website?
    • 很多时候是因为browser DNS Cache, 试试flush
    • send them 301 and 402
      • 基本上DNS level的redirect是在FQDN之间进行,楼主的DN并没有变化,只是IP不同吧,你怎么用301, Web server level的redirect倒是有可能。当然我必须承认,networking不是我的领域,我的领域在groupware
    • 能否排除有个别用户不是用域名去访问而是直接用IP访问的呢?如果真有,DNS再怎么刷新也没用吧?除非你能返回一个note告诉用户已经搬家了改道去新址.....
    • 今天发了一个蔡总统双十讲话给国内的兄弟,开始说不能看墙住了,后来用QQ浏览器居然能看 +2

      台灣雙十慶典 總統蔡英文願意在「符合對等尊嚴的原則下 和北京促成有意義的對話」


    • 谢谢大家的回帖。用了火车头的方法,在老IP强制发一个 return 301 如果DNS仍然解析rolia.net到老IP,那就死循环到DNS醒悟为止。😂
      • 没有这么做的啊,哥
      • 老IP你还有所有权,就直接redirect到新IP就是了呀,反正等那些Cache过期然后更新了就好了,时间而已。 +1
        • 善良
          • 呃,主要是懒……
        • If I do redirect, it should be always by domain name, not IP address. It's wired for the visitors to see IP address in the browser address bar.
          • 哦,那你就在老IP那里做个proxy server好了。或者就redirect到一个新sub domain?