

If plates are not vanity plates "detaching" means returning plates back to MTO and you will get refund for unused moths.

When you decide to register car again you will need to get a new plates and pay registration fee. If you won't do that and try to register car with old plates after skipping a year they will force you to pay for missing period.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 请问大家:假如几个月或者1年不开车,把车停在车库。可以不renew sticker吗?
    • 不开可以。但不会省钱。
      • 需要补回来吗?我没有找到链接,谢
        • If plates are not vanity plates "detaching" means returning plates back to MTO and you will get refund for unused moths. +1
          When you decide to register car again you will need to get a new plates and pay registration fee. If you won't do that and try to register car with old plates after skipping a year they will force you to pay for missing period.
    • 可以省保险,省油钱。但是Stickers 早买晚买都是要买的。
      • 假如2021年整年放家不开, 明年从2022年开始renew sticker,可以吗?
        • 目前看是可以的,但规矩将来可能会变
        • 这钱就买一次菜,没必要省吧。
        • 可以是可以,但要把2021年的补上。前两天哪儿看的。
        • 可以,但2021的还是要给,跑不了的。
          • 我怎么听说可以跳过?!
        • 去年没买的,今年一起补上,今年不买的,明年买的时候也要补上
          • 2018年,公司用车忘记买STICKER,过了9个月, 我去帮老板买, PLATE FEE从当日算起, 过去的9个月不用补交钱 +1
            • 我也忘过一年,但是补交了,我是自己去的,安省个人车。
    • 车长期不开省下的钱基本上在下次试图开是都填在维修这个坑里了,除非卖车 +3