

unless you meet the residence requirement by passing physical presence exam,

you will be non-resident for US so you only need to claim the income in US, but you will still have to pay Canada tax for the US earning, or offset by RRSP/401K contribution/foreign tax credit. Until you become non tax resident of Canada.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 請問首年成為美國稅務居民,上半年在加拿大的收入也得申報計算美稅嗎?還是只申報成為美稅務居民後下半年在美國的收入即可?
    • you could claim it,
      it is usually taxed more in Canada than US, so the foreign tax paid will be foreign tax credit offset the US tax. Or US has the oversea income exclusion, or you could skip it. Either way, It will end up with almost no tax for Canada income to pay US anyway.
      • unless you meet the residence requirement by passing physical presence exam,
        you will be non-resident for US so you only need to claim the income in US, but you will still have to pay Canada tax for the US earning, or offset by RRSP/401K contribution/foreign tax credit. Until you become non tax resident of Canada.
        • 是打算兩邊交稅的,偶而會回來,房子也還在,幾年後也會回來退休 (A 在加收入,B 在美收入,C 為 foreign tax credit) 在美申報 : B 然後在加申報:A+B-C 1 或是, 在美申報 : A+B 然後在加申報:A+B-C 2 (C2>C1, ) 是兩種方法皆可嗎?
          • there is not a simple answer, +1
            better to hire a cross-border tax accountant (usually in the border cities in Canada cause very few US tax guys know Canada tax and they charge a lot) at least for the first year and learn the calculations. Many factors to consider. US tax rules change every year and every state is different. It would not be very easy to plan the job/retire in US also.
            • Thank you very much for your kind reply. Any tax accountant recommended? Please PM me. Thanks.
          • 一般是主要收入来源地在哪,就先申报那,然后用credit报第二个地区 +2
    • 美国住满超过半年才是美国税务居民啊
      • 对的,我也想说
      • 是住超過半年了