

personal tax return

have you received your personal tax return?


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  • 枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / personal tax return

    have you received your personal tax return?

    • ?????
      • ????? +1
        • ?????
    • I guess you're talking about the refund of excess tax deducted throughout the last year. "Tax return" is the document you send to CRA. After your tax return is processed, usually within a few weeks, you will receive a refund if there is one.
      • 可能是NOA +1
    • 3月初才能收齐Tax slip, 填好税表,总得再Review一下数据,看看有没有遗漏Tax Slip, 琢磨琢磨有没有啥其他Deduction and Credit。哪会那么快就提交,何况收到退税。