


Hunter Biden convinced his father Joe in early 2017 to put out a statement approving of the affair he was having with his deceased brother Beau's widow, Hallie Biden, telling Joe that if he didn't, the relationship would "seem wrong."

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  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 道义和法理之间有时候还是很难说清楚的:
    Hunter Biden convinced his father Joe in early 2017 to put out a statement approving of the affair he was having with his deceased brother Beau's widow, Hallie Biden, telling Joe that if he didn't, the relationship would "seem wrong."
    • 很简单,裤裆里的事,又不给社会填乱。有啥说不清楚?
      • Hunter Biden convinced 'reluctant' Joe to publicly support his relationship with Beau's widow Hallie
        • 肥水不流外人田。人家的家事。你情我愿的。管它那么多干嘛。 +1
          • Hunter自己出书把家事当成国事说,FoxNews在拿Hunter的新著扯八卦,我们吃瓜群众跟在FoxNews后面看八卦,隔了十万八千里,都不知道谁管谁了。
      • 道理上没有错,道义上说不过去,所以老拜登才会不情愿,而勉为其难地表示支持。
        • 关键是小白在和嫂子交往期间又出去野,还抛弃了一个小孩。小白的问题不是感情问题,是本性问题。 +1
          • Hunter自己说老拜登公开表示支持也不是因为他认为这件事做得对,而是不支持就会成为一桩丑闻。"'Dad,' I told him, 'if people find out, but they think you're not approving of this, it makes it seem wrong,"他哥哥是15年去世的,他敦促老拜登发声明是17年初。 +1
            • 小白这么说是为了保护老败。这件事不地道,小白把不是都承担了,老败就可以清清白白做总统。只要老败还是总统,小白的天就不会塌。一家子垃圾 +2