


"Our adversaries are engaging in a systematic effort to infiltrate the academic research community and siphon away the results of United States spending on biomedical research," Senator Richard Burr said.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 大约500多名美国科学家被中国政府收买了,出卖美国技术和利益 +3
    "Our adversaries are engaging in a systematic effort to infiltrate the academic research community and siphon away the results of United States spending on biomedical research," Senator Richard Burr said.
    • 好消息呀。爲啥是醫療保健 +1
      • 爱国人士偷的当然不只是医疗方面。这文章主要是针对医疗领域的中国硕鼠学者 +1
    • 呵呵,都是放弃高薪待遇毅然回国,带回顶尖技术,成功打破西方封锁的爱国人士。爱国专家的好日子要到头了 +6