

I used it for a while and don't any big problem so far.

Anyway, you get what you payed.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑电信 / any compliant about using iTalkBB?
    • I used it for a while and don't any big problem so far.
      Anyway, you get what you payed.
    • 我用了三四年了,没有问题。唯一的问题是在转电话号码的时候,可呢有两周左右,你的电话会打不进去
    • 如果电话不多的话,我推荐这个www.voip.ms
    • 除了有些加拿大1-800电话italk从美国接入不行,收发传真要做些特殊操作以外,一般是很好的。