


"A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Fullmich", 你这个Dr是什么意思?

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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 这个热闹,对鼓吹疫苗安全的组织CDC,WHO和个人的起诉,新纽伦堡审判开始了The New Nuremberg Trials 2021:A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner have begun legal proceedings over the CDC, +7
    WHO,etc for crimes against humanity.

    the “experimental” vaccine itself is in violation of Article 32 of the Geneva Convent
    need to see how this plays out.
    the “experimental” vaccine itself is in violation of Article 32 of the Geneva Convention

    The New Nuremberg Trials 2021 - Please Share this info!

    The New Nuremberg Trials 2021
    A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Fullmich have begun legal proceedings over the CDC, WHO, the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. Fullmich and his team present the faulty PCR test and the order for doctors to label any comorbidity death as a Covid death as fraud. The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and is 100% faulty at 35 cycles. All the PCR tests issued by the CDC are rated at 37 to 45 cycles. The CDC admits that any test over 28 cycles are not admissible for any positive reliable result. This alone invalidates over 90% of the alleged covid infections tracked by the use of this faulty test.
    In addition to the flawed tests and fraudulent death certificates, the “experimental” vaccine itself is in violation of Article 32 of the Geneva Convention. Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV, “mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not necessitated by the medical treatment of a protected person” are prohibited. According to Article 147, conducting biological experiments on protected persons is a grave breach of the Convention.
    The “experimental” vaccine is in violation of all 10 of the Nuremburg Codes which carry the death penalty for those who seek to violate these International Laws.
    The “vaccine” fails to meet the following five requirements to be considered a vaccine and is by definition a medical “experiment” and trial:
    Provides immunity to the virus
    This is a “leaky” gene-therapy that does not provide immunity to Covid and claims to reduce symptoms yet double-vaccinated are now 60% of the patients requiring ER or ICU with covid infections.
    Protects recipients from getting the virus
    This gene-therapy does not provide immunity and double-vaccinated can still catch and spread the virus.
    Reduces deaths from the virus infection
    This gene-therapy does not reduce deaths from the infection. Double-Vaccinated infected with Covid have also died.
    Reduces circulation of the virus
    This gene-therapy still permits the spread of the virus as it offers zero immunity to the virus.
    Reduces transmission of the virus
    This gene-therapy still permits the transmission of the virus as it offers zero immunity to the virus.
    The following violations of the Nuremberg Code is as follows
    Nuremburg Code #1: Voluntary Consent is Essential
    No person should be forced to take a medical experiment without informed consent. Many media, political and non-medical persons are telling people to take the shot, it’s safe and offer no information as to the adverse effects or dangers of this gene-therapy. Countries are using lockdowns, duress and threats to force people to take this vaccine or be prohibited to participate in free society under the mandate of a Vaccine Passport or Green Pass. During the Nuremberg trail, even the media was prosecuted and members were put to death for lying to the public amongst many of the doctors and Nazis found guilty of Crimes Against Humanity.
    Nuremburg Code #2: Yield Fruitful Results Unprocurable By Other Means
    As listed above, the gene-therapy does not meet the criteria of a vaccine and does not offer immunity to the virus. There are other medical treatments that yield fruitful results against Covid such as Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc and boosted immune systems for flu and colds.
    Nuremburg Code #3: Base Experiments on Results of Animal Experimentation and Natural History of Disease
    This gene-therapy skipped Animal testing and went straight to human trials. In mRNA research that Phizer used a candidate study on mRNA with rhesus macaques monkeys using BNT162b2 mRNA and in that study all the monkeys developed pulmonary inflammation but the researchers considered the risk low as these were young healthy monkeys from the age of 2-4. Israel has used Phizer and the International Court of Law has accepted a claim for 80% of the recipients having pulmonary inflammation from being injected with this gene-therapy. Despite this alarming development Phizer proceeded to develop their mRNA for Covid without animal testing.
    Nuremburg Code #4: Avoid All Unnecessary Suffering and Injury
    Since the rollout of the experiment and listed under the CDC VAERS reporting system over 4,000 deaths and 50,000 vaccine injuries have been reported in America. In the EU over 7,000 deaths and 365,000 vaccine injuries have been reported. This is a grievous violation of this code.
    Nuremburg Code #5: No Experiment to be Conducted if There’s Reason to Think Injury or Death Will Occur
    See #4, based on fact-based medical data this gene-therapy is causing death and injury. Past research on mRNA also shows several risks that have been ignored for this current trial gene-experiment. A 2002 study on Sars-Cov spike proteins showed they cause inflammation, immunopathology, blood clots and impede Angiotensin 2 expression. This experiment forces the body to produce this spike-protein inheriting all these risks.
    Nuremburg Code #6: Risk Should Never Exceed the Benefit
    Covid-19 has a 98-99% recover rate. The vaccine injuries, deaths and adverse side-effects of mRNA gene-therapy far exceed this risk. The use of “leaky” vaccines were banned for agriculture use by the US and EU due to the Marek Chicken study that shows ‘hot-viruses’ and variants emerge making the disease even more deadly. Yet, this has been ignored for human use by the CDC knowing fully the risk of new deadlier variants emerge from leaky vaccinations.
    Nuremburg Code #7: Preparation Must Be Made Against Even Remote Possibility of Injury, Disability or Death
    There were no preparations made. This gene-therapy was approved under an Emergency Use only act, skipped animal and human trials and forced on a misinformed public.
    Nuremburg Code #8: Experiment Must Be Conducted by Scientifically Qualified Persons
    Politicians, media and actors claiming that this is a safe and effective vaccine are not qualified. Propaganda is not medical science. Many retail outlets such as Walmart, drive-through vaccine centers are not qualified to administer experimental medical gene-therapies to the uninformed public.
    Nuremburg Code #9: Anyone Must Have the Freedom to Bring the Experiment to an End At Any Time
    Despite the outcry of over 85,000 doctors, nurses, virologists, epidemiologist the experiment is not being ended. In fact, more attempts to change laws to force vaccine compliance, mandatory and forced vaccinations are being pushed through, and experimental ‘update’ shots are planned for every 6 months without any recourse to the surmountable amount of deaths and injuries already caused by this experiment. Hopefully this new Nuremberg Trial will put an end to this crime against humanity.
    Nuremburg Code #10: The Scientist Must Bring the Experiment to an End At Any Time if There’s Probable Cause of it Resulting in Injury or Death
    It is clear in the statistical reporting data that this experiment is resulting in death and injury yet all the politicians, drug companies and so called experts are not making any attempt to stop this gene-therapy experiment from inflicting harm on a misinformed public.
    What can you do to help put an end to this crime against humanity? Share this information. Make your politicians, media, doctors, nurses informed that if they are complicit in this crime against humanity they too are subject to the laws set forth in the Geneva Convention and Nuremburg code and can be tried, found guilty and put to death. Legal proceedings are moving forward, evidence has been collected and a large growing body of experts are sounding the alarm.
    • 是这个人吗?他是律师,不是医生,他们那个组织就不相信有新冠病毒这回事, +1
      • 你可以好好研究这个起诉,看看这个诉讼是不是真的。尤其是上文提的这一句。Make your politicians,media, doctors, nurses informed that if they are complicit in this crime against humanity they too are subject to the laws set forth in the Geneva Convention +2
        and Nuremburg code and can be tried, found guilty and put to death.Legal proceedings are moving forward, evidence has been collected and a large growing body of experts are sounding the alarm.
        • 他们起诉的前提是不承认有新冠病毒这回事。现在这个前提就不成立,其他的就免谈了。
    • 摘自上文:Legal proceedings are moving forward, evidence has been collected and a large growing body of experts are sounding the alarm.如果这个诉讼是真的,鼓吹疫苗安全的组织【CDC,WHO等】和个人都将成为被告。 +4
      • 你敢把你转的东西发到印度的网站,告诉印度人民根本就没有新冠这回事? +2
        • 我转的文章很清楚,疫苗有害,鼓吹疫苗安全的组织【CDC,WHO等】和个人都将成为被告。是你一个劲的说“没有新冠这回事” :-) +5
          • 你没看我给的链接吗?就是你说的那个人的证词,他写的很清楚他们一伙律师认为所谓的新冠是阴谋。他所谓的诉讼就是基于这个观点的。你忽略了他的观点而谈他的诉讼是没有任何意义的。而且他不是医生只是一个律师,你连这个都没搞清楚 +1
            • re "而且他不是医生只是一个律师" 我转帖的文章从没说他是医生。我一直觉得我的英语不怎么样,有可能您老的更差,我估计你连“Dr."是什么意思和怎么用都搞不清楚,难怪你总是曲解英文文章的意思。:-)等到有了中文翻译,我再把原文的翻译转贴到这里。 +4
              • 我根本不相信你转的文章,我是自己查到他只是一个律师,而且把他自己的证词发了上来,敢情你就没看

                "A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Fullmich", 你这个Dr是什么意思?
                • 我有个同事official title其中之一是Dr.,我可以确定他不是医生,也和医疗行业没有任何关系。我相信不少人知道这种场合的Dr.表示什么意思,不过我觉得还是让你自己去研究比较好。 +1
      • 你的如果从来都没有实现过,这次也不会例外。 +1
        • 小声说一句,好像选举舞弊这件事被揭露出来了。亚利桑那州总共210万张选票,95万张非法选票/假票 :-)网友的帖子Arizona preliminary number -string2 (#13683847@0) +3
    • 好热闹,看看哪个法庭会接这个案子 +1
    • 疫苗一般的研制周期应该3到4年,这个疫苗在如此短的时间就出台,在人类都没有充分了解病毒的情况下仓促出来,非常草率。 +6
    • 你是真不看新闻啊?美国有望很快实现群体免疫,就是要靠疫苗。有啥好鼓吹的?很快不就有结果了?你这些帖子到时该怎么延续?
    • 没有人否认新冠,区别在于有人认为它是超级玛丽,俺们觉得只是大流感。而且现在COVID 21也已经出来了,那些疫苗也就是安慰剂的作用。 +4

      • 200% agree +2
      • 没人否认新冠?楼主就否认。去翻翻以前帖子。后来发现新冠是假的站不住脚了,就开始传播疫苗有害论。
        • 政府的数据,不是政府的嘴巴,也认为新冠是假的,甚至是延年益寿的😄😄
          位于加拿大卡尔加里的律师行Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms,不久前发表了下面这篇文章,用畜多政府的数据,分析疫情和政府封城抗疫对加拿大人的影响。 Government data shows lockdowns more deadly than COVID-19 | Justice Centre for Constitutional Free…
          • 去医院ICU转一圈。 +1
    • The"experimental"vaccine is in violation of all 10 of the Nuremberg Codes which carry the death penalty for those who seek to violate these International Laws."试验性"疫苗违反了对企图违反这些国际法的人判处死刑的所有10项纽伦堡法典。