

瞧瞧人家咋活的! 有钱有想法有行动有体力有娃。。啥都有的爱梯丐

Living on a Self-Sufficient Sailboat for 10 Years + FULL TOUR
Brian and Karin Trautman have been living on a sailboat for 10 years, and their boat is set up so they can be off the grid in remote places for months at a t...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 两只圆屁股在一起更安全!那么熟悉的路标指引下,搭飞机。开始了汽车之旅
    We’re starting van life in the Caribbean! After months of hard work on our cabin In the woods we’re taking a break to travel, flying to Puerto Rico on our fi...
    • 除了美臀以外
      A Normal Day Traveling Alone in my Van 🧍🏼‍♀️🚐
      This video is a day I spent alone in my van, just doing chores, and spending time with myself without cell service, or distractions. It was one of my favorit...
    • 瞧瞧人家咋活的! 有钱有想法有行动有体力有娃。。啥都有的爱梯丐
      Living on a Self-Sufficient Sailboat for 10 Years + FULL TOUR
      Brian and Karin Trautman have been living on a sailboat for 10 years, and their boat is set up so they can be off the grid in remote places for months at a t...
    • 天气冷,又习惯地被关在笼子里,又没事干!这把年龄,养个精力旺盛的男孩子,每天带着比体力的玩和角智力的解闷儿。似乎比每日喝酒打发时间要有意思的多!