


the Canada workers benefit (CWB)

You are not eligible for the CWB if you: are enrolled as a full-time student at a designated educational institution for more than 13 weeks in the year unless, on December 31, you have an eligible dependant


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / 有個問題請教專家: 給孩子報稅,沒填學費前還有四百退稅,反而一填學費就要交稅爲啥?而且填學費的時候如果填寫縂數八千多就還好,多退一點,但是一旦加上full time8個月,part time4個月,就要交稅,難道半、全職學生還不一樣嗎?? 不知大家有沒有這種情況, 謝謝
    • 没这情况,估计哪里填错了,学费填成resp收入了? +1
    • 有一项有工作的免税额,全职学生没有。

      the Canada workers benefit (CWB)

      You are not eligible for the CWB if you: are enrolled as a full-time student at a designated educational institution for more than 13 weeks in the year unless, on December 31, you have an eligible dependant

      • 谢谢