

cargill meat canada now hire parttime (seasonal) worker, pay $12-14/hour.

lacation: Oxford st+Cuddy st, go along oxford east just pass airport road(veterain memery road now) next road turn right, very big factory (hired >800 workers, traditionally hired student too, because it is Mcdonald's supplier). handle your resume first (at first come first service) public traffic stop by gate of CARGILL
only problem is long waiting list
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  • / 底特律/温莎 / 我是一个刚刚到加拿大的男生,现在在U of W的语言中心上elip,想在学校附近找份兼职,帮补一下家庭的负担
    我是一个刚刚到加拿大的男生,现在在U of W的语言中心上elip,想在学校附近找份兼职,帮补一下家庭的负担。我不会烹饪,其他的体力活基本上能够做,希望有老板可以回复我。我手机是5199926788
    • cargill meat canada now hire parttime (seasonal) worker, pay $12-14/hour.
      lacation: Oxford st+Cuddy st, go along oxford east just pass airport road(veterain memery road now) next road turn right, very big factory (hired >800 workers, traditionally hired student too, because it is Mcdonald's supplier). handle your resume first (at first come first service) public traffic stop by gate of CARGILL
      only problem is long waiting list
      • 从toronto到温莎有火车吗?
        • 有,but take greyhound is more convenient.