

French is very important in QC, to tell the truth, it is not enough to speak English, for some people like me, i used to speacking French, English, and Italian.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 想住魁省, 不知如何?
    在美国住了几年, 有点想回加拿大了, 以前在安省住过, 不再喜欢多伦多, 房太贵; 不知魁省各方面怎么样?
    • 美国就很好,劝你一句别来蒙城,会后悔的。外表看起来还可以但实际糟烂得很。
      • why? any detail? what is the difference between Toronto and Quebec?
        • re:"what is the difference between Toronto and Quebec?" : A: one is a city , anther is a province
          • :-)
      • Montreal, QC
        You need to come here for a visit, then you can judge of it again.
      • French is very important in QC, to tell the truth, it is not enough to speak English, for some people like me, i used to speacking French, English, and Italian.
    • 3 facts need take into consideration: 1) language(french) 2) gtax (income tax hig.her ) 3)children's education, french and take one more year before go to university; house price will be cheapper then torondo's
    • 没落而美丽的地方, 文化厚重. 强烈的歧视和排外, 与其严酷的冬季相呼应. 接受高等教育的沃土. 如果你热爱艺术; 如果你愿意学习法语, 如果你心理素质较好, 魁省是安家之处. 房价和平均收入通常是成正比的. 食品的价格相对多伦多, 要高很多.