

从Google地图上看,Menlo Park离SFO很近,当然是飞SFO了。 找旅馆只能网上去找,我一般使用booking.com。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 请问住在旧金山的华人朋友,从多伦多去Menlo Park,是到SFO机场方便还是周边别的机场(多伦多这里得有航线才行)?
    Menlo Park离SFO机场有多远?能推荐Menlo Park那里比较好的住宿酒店?
    • 从Google地图上看,Menlo Park离SFO很近,当然是飞SFO了。 找旅馆只能网上去找,我一般使用booking.com。
    • Menlo Park is in the middle between SFO and San Jose. I often choose smaller airport because of less traffic. You can check in any hotel between the two cities. Driving from SFO to San Jose is about 30 minutes so it does not matter much.