

if you are Skilled Worker category, depanding on the subcategory, there will be a requirement in terms of money in possession when landing. ie. for 4-people family, federal skiled worker $20599 CAD.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / 长登陆toronto,带2000加元现金,能应付过第一个月吗?
    • 应该可以的,2000元。。
      • thanks.
      • downpay + first month payment... tel. downpay..
    • 房租一般要押一个月租金的, 所以要看你租什么样的房子了.
      • 带的汇票没有sin能直接找银行存了吗? 比如td bank? 住家庭旅馆1个月可行吗? 据说那儿不能自己做饭。看了下,toronto房租很贵啊,1 bedroom 1 living room的一个月要$800-900啊,不是basement的。
        • 家庭旅馆也要那么多钱呀?能做饭。没有sin卡可以存钱进帐,后补可以的。
          • 哪个银行可以不要sin就存钱? 要拿有地址的信去吗? 听说只有td bank可以不要sin存钱,真的吗?
            • Yes, TD can do, not sure about other banks. Bring your passport, landing paper. If you can have address, or renting agreement it would be better.
    • if you are Skilled Worker category, depanding on the subcategory, there will be a requirement in terms of money in possession when landing. ie. for 4-people family, federal skiled worker $20599 CAD.
    • 不用SIN卡。用护照马上就能把汇票存进银行里。我记得当年就是这样登录后第二天就去银行把汇票存了,同时申请了信用卡。没问题,别担心~