

submitted application for permanent residence in Canada. 意思是说这个永久居留权是加拿大,而不是其他国家,例如澳洲。所以,父母移民申请在哪里递交都无所谓。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 好消息,父母在移民批准之前就可以申请健康卡 - 今天去申请被批准了,关键要有移民局的信说明他们已经通过了'initial assessment', 就是要求体检的那封信。只要他们在现在在加拿大,凭信可以申请健康卡.有效期1年.
    我以前也不知道,多费了几个月的保险,也多等了几个月其实早就能拿卡的。SERVILE ONTARIO 其实有说,但是工作人员也不熟,后来他传真的我的文件去问结果确认可以。
    • Thanks for sharing! 请问有效期1年是申请日当天生效的吗,还是申请日起3个月后?还有能否给下那个Service Ontario 的文件链接。谢谢!
    • 好消息。谢谢分享。能不能给个service ontario的网站的链接,这样我也可以帮父母申请。谢谢。
      • OHIP Policy Update
      • http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/public/programs/ohip/ohipfaq_dt.aspx#Q4b 是不是这个?
        • 谢谢,我觉得你给的这个连接挺像的。我准备明天如果有时间就去试一下,回来后,给大家报告情况。以前work permit的时候我申请过,没想到,现在09年4月份改后的法,可以扩展到等移民结果的父母了。
          • 请问有新的进展吗?被批准了吗?
    • 请问是不是去健康部去办理?谢谢。
    • 请问你是在哪个service ontario申请的?你父母是在国内的加拿大签证处申请的吗?我打了电话去问,工作人员告诉我要在加拿大境内申请的移民个案才符合条件,我觉得很纳闷.而且他们说是要出示CIC的信说明符合申请移民的条件.被他们搞得一头雾水.
      • 基本要求是:申请人已经在加拿大居住了一段要求的时间,这是必要条件之一。所以,假如你的父母不满足这个基本条件,他们就没有资格申请OHIP.
        • 谢谢回答.我父母在这里已经住了两年了,所以应该有资格申请吧.问题是他们好像不承认使馆发出的体检信.还有其他什么可以用的文件吗?
          • 那个信可以的,一开始工作人员也说不行,后来她咨询了别人又可以了。因为网上也没说一定要在加拿大申请,而且取消的体检要求,体检之前的信就是确认通过了ASSESSMENT
            • 非常谢谢my98的回答!再确认一下,就是大使馆发出的关于体检和简历还有关于登录费的那份中英文对照的信吗?谢谢!
        • 请问你是在哪个点办理的?service ontario or health ontario?谢谢。
          • 对不起,我还没有去办。我想过完节日再去办。
            • 谢谢。那请问你知道my98是在哪个点办理的?
      • 今天带体检的信去了lawrence的那家。不可以办。办事员问了里面的领导。
    • Hi My98, Would you mind telling us where did you apply the OHIP card for your parents? Thanks!
      • 不好意思,应该是在人加拿大提交的移民申请才可以这样早拿健康卡,有点误导大家,对不起。
        • 问题是父母移民好像没有在境内申请的吧?都是要递到加拿大境外的签证处的
          • 误解。我的理解,你的父母居住在加拿大的时候,递交了移民申请。关键点:你的父母必须在加拿大。
        • That is okay! Thanks for sharing! Where did your parents submit their application? Buffalo?
        • 谢谢您的热心回答,有一事不明。父母类移民有在加拿大境内提出申请的吗?不是都要在Beijing, HK, Buffalo递交申请吗?
    • 这只是Ontario的政策,还是加拿大其它省份也有啊?我在BC,不知道应该怎样查相关信息。知道的人请指教。
      • 健康保险各个省是独立的,我们讨论的是安大略省的,和你BC没有关系。
        • 移民不都是在加拿大境外的VISA OFFICE申请的,比如香港,BUFFLO,北京,为什么说要在加拿大境内申请的才可以申请OHIP啊?
          • 首先要求的是,你的父母已经在加拿大境内申请了移民。注意:加拿大境内。
            • 谢谢您的热心回答,但是好像您并没有回答楼上的问题。父母类移民又在加拿大境内提出申请的吗?不是都要在Beijing, HK, Buffalo递交申请吗?还是您指的是mississauga的sponsorship application,那不是所有人都在加境内申请了?望赐教。
            • 什么叫“已经在加拿大境内申请了移民“, 可否详细解释一下?谢谢!
          • 第二点,移民局已经发信确认,你的父母符合在加拿大境内申请移民的条件。
            • "符合在加拿大境内申请移民的条件" -- 请问是专指递BUFFLO的吗?还是北京, 香港都算?
              • 我没有找到相关的证据,这是直接翻译过来的:you have submitted application for permanent resident in Canada。

          • 第三点,你的主要居住地点是:安大略省。
          • 第四点,你的父母来到安省居住后开始,在183天之内,至少在安省居住了153天。
          • 第五点,在任何的12个月期间内,你的父母在安省至少居住153天。
            • Thanks a lot for sharing this new info. Here's our experience.
              I tooke my in-laws to Lawrence yesterday. It took more than 40 minutes for the agent to figure it out. In our case, my in-laws can apply. But unfortunately, we missed one basic document - the proof of address in ontario. Once we get that, we can go and apply. In summary, the document under this case needed are:
              1) Proof to eligibility - the letter from the visa office asking you to pay the landing fee. -- we paid the fee in Feb. 2010 already.
              2) proof of legally staying in canada - extenion of stay approval: my in-laws stay here from July 2009 and extend stay until Jan 2011
              3) Proof of address -- phone bill, bank statement , utility bill etc. we will just open bank acct for them and wait for the statement.

              Hope it help! Good luck!
              • Thanks for sharing. By the way, where did your in-laws apply their PR? Did the agent mention anything about you have to apply in Canada?
                • 那个办事人员没有问。不过我们公公婆婆是去年7月份过来,是9月份在这边申请移民。所以快乐老家说的那些条件我们都满足,所以没有被问到这些问题,时间都花在确定他们有资格申请这个环节上。
                  • 谢谢回复.还有一个问题就是你说你公公婆婆9月在这边申请移民,这是一个什么概念?是递交sponsorship还是递交申请到相关的签证处?如果是签证处,请问是哪个?
                    • 09年9月申请移民10年二月就交landing fee 了?这么快?递的是那里的visa office? 多谢!
                      • Immigration application sent to hongkong in Sept 2009. Paid landing fee in Feb 2010, ME in March 2010. Now waiting for landing paper... Hope good news comes soon.....
              • Thanks.How do you open bank account for your parents without SIN card or number?
                • go to your bank representatives, with your history, they should be able to open for your parents
              • 您好请问关于 Proof to eligibility - 您说要求有“ the letter from the visa office asking you to pay the landing fee. -- we paid the fee in Feb. 2010 already.”
                我不懂的是LZ不是说要求体检就行了吗?为什么要求你Landing fee payment proof?要landing不是就相当于登陆了吗?还是说要求体检的时候, landing fee 要一起交? 多谢指教!
                • Yes, we received the ME letter as well as request to pay landing fee.
              • 请问需要看父母的护照吗?谢谢!
                • Passport is one of valid ID for parents in canada.
                  • 可是我妈妈的护照已经寄到北京使馆了,他们接受复印件吗?
                    • Does it mean they are going to get landing paper soon? If so, just wait for the landing paper then.
          • 同问+1。
    • Good to know the information!
    • submitted an application for permanent residence in Canada =X=submitted an application for permanent residence FROM Canada 这里in canada修饰permanent residence而非submitted,就是说submitted了一份PR in canada加拿大永久居住的application,至于从哪里FROM whe
      submitted an application for permanent residence in Canada =X=submitted an application for permanent residence FROM Canada 这里in canada修饰permanent residence而非submitted,就是说submitted了一份PR in canada加拿大永久居住的application,至于从哪里FROM where发出的申请,没有规定,从中国提交申请的也可以
      • Totally agree!!! That is what I understood as well. But we have to find out what kind of document will work for this matter. Thanks for the explanation.
      • 我的理解和你不一样。我试图找到相关的法律文件,可是还是没有找到。我们大家共同努力把这个事情弄清楚,这样第一,老人的健康有了保障;第二,儿女们省却了不少的心事。
        我的理解:父母必须住在加拿大一段时间,而且在邮寄申请文件去 Buffalo的时候,必须住在加拿大安大略省。
        • 快乐老家,谢谢你的回复.我觉得你说的也是有道理的,我感到这也是政府所要求的,就是在境内申请的移民.
          • 是啊,我找到了相关的法律文件,但是没有找到相关的条款。。需要花费一点时间啊。
            • 我找不到那封已经交了登入费的信用体检信还可以嘛?
        • submitted application for permanent residence in Canada. 意思是说这个永久居留权是加拿大,而不是其他国家,例如澳洲。所以,父母移民申请在哪里递交都无所谓。
          • 请问这些天有啥最新消息吗?有谁去申请过了吗?
            • We went to OHIP office at Lawrence E. this morning, and was told that only when my parents receive the second letter from Bufflo, which sates that they has met the PR requirements, will they will eligible for OHIP.
              So if you only get one letter from the oversee CIC office stating that their immigration file has been created, please DO NOT waste your time going here. Like we spent two hours this morning, and we ended in vain.
              Later I called service ontario and the same info. was confirmed.
              • 看来,我的理解是正确的。就是:申请人必须已经住在加拿大,并且满足居住时间的要求,例如153天。其次,申请人已经在加拿大境内邮寄申请移民文件到 Buffalo。这是申请OHIP的必要条件.
                • 不需要申请人在加拿大境内申请移民,递表的时候,申请人在国内,然后过来探亲,也可以申请健康卡。只是申请人当然要在加拿大境内,申请健康卡的时候。递交移民申请和健康卡申请两回事。
                  • 我还是认为我的理解没有错。如果是申请加拿大移民,英语:Immigration TO Canada。 如果是在加拿大申请移民,英语:Application for Permanent resident in Canada. 请批评指正。
                    • application in也可以。如果是说在加拿大境内申请移民,应该是这样: application for pr in Canada when the applicant is in Canada or resident in Canada.
              • 我现在才明白你的解释。我今天就是拿的第一封信去申请的,结果是被拒绝。多谢分享。我的问题是:哪些条件构成了 You are eligible to apply for permanent residency to Canada?
    • which understanding is right ? applied in Canada to Buffalo , or applied anywhere ?
      • Their PR application can be sent any CIC center, as long as they are currently in canada meeting the residence requirement.
        And most important of all, they have recieved the assessment letter saying that they have met the PR requirements and they are eligible for PR application.
        If they only get a letter from any oversea CIC office stating that their immigration file number has been created and their case has been put on the list for initial assessment. That is NOT enough.
        • thx, but from your earlier post , you said you end up in vain from last try . so you applied again and it works this time ?
          • NO, we can't apply for OHIP card yet as we are still waiting for the initial assessment letter from CIC Buffalo office.
            So far we only received the immigration file no from CIC, so we are not eligible for OHIP yet. But I went to the OHIP office and they showed me a sample letter from CIC which says that " You are now eligible for PR applications, and all requirements are met. No documents are missing" This type of letter is the only one OHIP accepts in order to process the OHIP card. Hope I made myself clear.

            You can always call OHIP office at 416-777-2344 for more details and authentic answer.
            • so it doesn't matter where you applied , buffalo or Beijing are all fine ? as long as you received the letter to confirm you are eligible ? thx.
            • 请各位解惑:lz说是要求体检的信,忘了哪位说是要求交landing fee 的信,你说是" You are now eligible for PR applications, and all requirements are met. No documents are missing" 的信。猜这3封信是反映不同阶段的吧,所以时间也差几个月吧。到底是哪一封啊?
        • 等通知体检的时候,移民纸不就快了.
          • Exactly.
            • not really . there could be 3 - 6 month between medical exame and getting VISA .
              • Buffalo is getting slow now. on CIC website, the fastest is 10 Months in Buffalo.
    • 很多年前,ohip是cover visitor的,基本上就是住在安省的就cover.现在才又变回来了一部分.
    • Many thanks. I saw your post two days ago and took my parents to OHIP office today. They got their OHIP card.
      • what kind of document you provided ? did you apply in Buffalo , or Beijing ? thx.
        • pmed.
          • can you please PM me? many thanks
          • can you pls pm me as well? thanks.
      • can you PM me?
      • can you pm too?
        • My parents applied their PR at Buffalo. I took them to the OHIP office at Oakville. The document I provided is the letter from Buffalo stating it had completed the initial assessment for their PR application and required medical exam.
          My parents applied their PR at Buffalo. I took them to the OHIP office at Oakville. The document I provided is the letter from Buffalo stating it had completed the initial assessment for their PR application and required medical exam. The second requirement from OHIP is proof of residence. I provided the insurance policy I purchased for my parents as proof of residence. The third requirement is your parents should be present.
          • 你说的letter from Buffalo stating it had completed the initial assessment for their PR application and required medical exam.是不是就是体检要求信啊,我看了信上没有说已经COMPLETED THE INITIAL ASSESSMENT了。。。
          • 为什么我们的 Buffalo的信没有你说的 completed initial assessment for application?