

if he does not want those $ back, then he does NOT need to live there after landing.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / 请问,谁自己或者有朋友办理过PEI 投资移民并且去过那里登陆的?请PM我。我有个国内朋友刚办成要去那里登陆,有很多问题想提前打听问一下,例如可不可以去了点个卯,弄个当地地址,然后就到多伦多生活等问题。我朋友可以顺便帮你从国内带东西过去。
    • Ding.
      • PEI好啊,土豆全加拿大最出名。。。种土豆、卖薯条。
        • 早已经irving垄断了。
    • 以前的经验是去都不用去。或者短租几天就可以了
      • 我那朋友交了居住保证金和语言通过保证金了,所以是必须过去的。
        • if he does not want those $ back, then he does NOT need to live there after landing.
          • 我家姐也是同样的情况,打算二月登陆待产,我力劝她登到多伦多,但耽心日后有麻烦。请你给个官方网站我想确认一些细节。非常感谢。
            • what I said was "AFTER landing", not to land in T.O. instead of their destination.
    • make sure they are not under PROVINCIAL ENTREPRENEUR category. Those immigrants need to remove conditions in their destination, otherwise they may lose their PR status. So 1st thing is to know you are under what category.