

We, as Chinese Canadians, are getting better, stronger in community building, in visibility of social, political influences. It has a lot to do with everyone of us - honest, hard working people. To gain respect, we must show respect.

Some times I heard comments here and there, focusing the negative side of things - things like in some local people's mind, you will never be one of "them", you will never be "white"..

Well, first, I don't want to be one of "them". I am quite content with "us". Secondly, I am quite proud with my current skin color, and have no intention to make it "whiter" - yucks!!

The thing I want to say is: let's focus on the positive side of the society; let's be part of it and make it even better. I don't care what "other" people may or may not be thinking in their mind. I know, what I am thinking, and I know, a lot more people are just "good, honest, hard working" average people, just like us.

I hope, someday, when our next generations grow up, one of them will stand up and say: "I can't disown 红卫兵,just as I can't disown my own my grandfather.... ".. and be a leader of the bright side of the community.
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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / We, as Chinese Canadians, are getting better, stronger in community building, in visibility of social, political influences. It has a lot to do with everyone of us - honest, hard working people. To gain respect, we must show respect.
    • 完全赞同,民族的才是世界的,加拿大多元社会中,每一个民族都可以贡献自己闪光的一部分。我们应该为祖先留给我们的血液而自豪,无须努力去改变自己的一切。什么是"主流社会"?我们就是"主流社会"的一部分,我们就是"主流"。做我们自己,去努力、去追求美好的明天。
    • 老猫 露的惊?
    • 没听说有移民朋友想漂白皮肤的,所以也没必要yucks。而且,为啥要them,us的?种族隔离么?入籍宣誓的那一刻起所有人都是us, Canadians啦。另外没有说清楚什么是你所理解的bright side。
    • 亮点总是在最后
      • you got it
    • 说得不错,很阳光的观点
      • 阳光照过了梦幻般的玻璃穹顶?呵呵。马丁 露的惊 也没改变我们对黑人的歧视。呵呵。。。天真吧,造作吧,反正有无限的梦想。。。
        • 你那个“我们”不包括我,我对黑人没别的想法。
          • 没有优越自卑之类的想法。就是有点绕着走。
            • just like Obama's own grandmother did when he was little.. I guess while Obama will not disown his grandmother for a reason, a reason that our grand kids will share..it is totally understandable
              • 不要老是奥巴马,乔不死。这样你说服不了别人。我们的生活准则是建立在基本逻辑上的
                • my intention was never to change people's mind.. i am quite dumb, but still smart enough to know that.. lol
            • 我当然有优越感,但这个优越感不是建立在跟其他族裔的比较上,而是建立在对生活感恩的心上。
              • +1
              • 你啊,只喜欢别人跟着你的思路走(已经预先声明没有优越自卑之类的想法)。也罢,最不感恩的就是那些得绕着走的。他们认为别人祖上欠他的,现在轮到他们犯罪索债了。
                • 大哥,我跟自己的价值观走。不知道为什么,反正我对肤色不敏感,看到好多印裔年轻男孩,觉得好帅的。不会因为他们不白就觉得不帅。
                  • 我也是,现在看人,主要看眼睛,经常忘记他/她的肤色。
                    • 呵呵,说得好!有没有兴趣去jane/finch逛逛?我听信谣言


                      • And based on this we can rightfully assumed something about the blacks?
                        • 我说我也想阳光,也想博爱,所以这场辩论,你赢了,我放弃。
                  • 女人啊,以感性代替逻辑。我可以用一个例子推翻老猫的假设,这是反证法。你可不能只用一个例子来支持这么大的一个论点。/// 不过,我很支持你的感性。
                    • Hmm.. Not sure if I assumed anything yet...
                      • 吾之不舍,人之不忍。
        • I speak my mind.. if it happens to appear naive, or whatever, so be it...
          • so be it. 说得轻松。知不知道,naive也会害人,尤其是出自你这样的坛史上最完美男人的口中。作为斑竹,一定要慎言谨行。。。lol
            • 一定要先承认他不完美:)
            • thx.. I initially posted this under 事业.. but thought it won't help the discussion.. so moved it to its rightful place.. i have the same privilege in 谈天说地 as everyone else has.. this made me feel better when speaking out..
    • Your passionate statement let me feel that movement is coming. My 2 cents: Multi-culture is rubbish compare with naturalization in states, new immigrants especially to those red immigrants supposed to be naturalized to mainstream value。。。
      • +1
        • I didn't finish, +1 blocks my continued sparks, never mind。。。
      • 还是要给他们一定空间, red or pink - 如果他们完全没有道理,终究会被边缘化,还能起到警醒历史的作用, such and such .....
        • 其实,我们大家都是red immigrants,这不是我们的错,但如果我们不认同主流价值观,以多元文化的为借口,死抱着过去的思维方式在这里生活,实在是活的悲哀,窃以为,让一个人在他/她不认同的社会中生活,是一种折磨,当然如果有mission on shoulders除外。。。
          • +1. 中国文化我也会继承其中普世的部分的, 红色的除外, 自觉排斥.
          • thats their own choice - they entitled their own choice, right? i think thats just a minor part in terms of demography - why you so concerned - hehehe, you are not really concerned, you are just annoyed ~~~~~
            • why am I so concerned? that's oldcat fault, he raised issue, I just jumped in the hole。。。
          • 加拿大认同多元文化,尊重不同价值观。窃以为,你正在你不认同的社会中生活,莫非你有mission on shoulders?
            • 你理解错了,多元文化不是不同价值观,认同多元文化,与认同主流价值观是2回事。。。
              • 认同主流价值观是个人的选择,尊重不同的价值观和个人选择是加拿大的社会共识。不认同这个社会共识,是不是一种折磨呢?
                • 你不要把多元文化与不同价值观画等号。一个国家一定会有一个主流价值观,其它不同价值观可以与主流价值观并存,前提是不违背主流价值,我接纳一切不违背主流价值的不同价值观,你用不同价值观来和我讨论没有意义。。。
                  • a value system is an umbrella of all the things deemed right from wrong.there is always grey area where the line between right and wrong is blurred. as a society, we need a consistent value system that everyone agree and conform to it..
                  • 不明白如果价值一致,如何存在不同价值观? 另外,从你的第一贴的‘naturalization’ 到第二贴的‘认同’也很跳跃。
                    • 论坛是阐述观点的地方,不是说服人的地方,我讲明了我的观点,这就够了,至于你的理解如何,none of my business。。。
                      • 完全同意。自己总结一下for my own reference,不同价值观可以与主流价值观并存的前提是不违背法律,而不是不违背主流价值观。
                • 爱吃甜食的人偏到川菜馆吵要吃甜菜,爱吃辣菜的人偏到海菜馆吵要吃辣菜 - 以大师的意思是 - 要吃辣去川菜馆,吃甜去上海馆,大家都 happy, 绛紫
                  • 加拿大不象个菜馆,倒更象个CAMPING AREA,你想吃什么自己准备,只要不违法法律,如果强制所有人随大流吃一样的菜就超过了。
                    • 是,另一方面,不喜欢民主自由的人,到加拿大来,有令人费解的地方
                      • 喜欢民主自由的人应该都懂得尊重别人选择。号称喜欢民主自由的人,到加拿大来,也有令人费解的地方。
                        • 如果这种选择和主流有很大的冲突或有安全隐患, 是可以讨论或应该改变的, 比如做天一个新闻一个印度shik人要拿长刀上公共汽车. 你说呢?
                          • 当然可以讨论,最后改变的倒不一定就是非主流的一方。如果有安全隐患的应该诉诸法律,如果说法律代表的是主流的价值观,任何的改变实际上就是主流价值观的妥协和修正。
                            • 有道理.
    • 赞一个。想起马丁路德金的我的梦想。我认为不远的将来,国家都会逐渐消亡,正如现在的欧洲。我们作为移民,应该把自己更看做一个世界人,而不是中国人。
      • 你的举例恰恰相反,欧洲是最反移民的(相对于北美)。美国让移民归化美国的主流价值观,在这方面是最成功的。加拿大的多元文化使新移民失去了忠实自己新国家的动力,固步自封,一盘散沙。。。
        • 没有战争,就没所谓效忠啦。有战争,盲目的效忠更可怕。
      • 我记得金博士著名演讲里说希望有一天他的小孩和白人小孩像兄弟姐妹一样牵手游戏,而不是声称“I don't want to be one of "them".”
        • "我梦想有一天、我的四个孩子将在一个不是以他们的皮肤的颜色,而是以他们的品格优劣来评价他们的国度里生活"
          • sorry 看串行了,原文 I have a dream that ... -- one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.
        • "I don't want to be one of "them". I am quite content with "us"... let me clarify: in my mind, there is no "them", there is only "us"..
          • 主流价值还是存在的, There Is "them",来到加拿大,要入乡随俗,随便一个例子,不要打老婆打孩子,在工作中不能以文化名义进行歧视和骚扰,这就是我也反对穆斯林妇女在公共场合蒙脸,支持政府立法揭去头巾的原因,这里是加拿大,你的文化不能和主力冲突
            • disown 红卫兵 是什么意思?红卫兵是中国动乱时代的一个组织,我是加拿大华人,和红卫兵有什么关系?如果说作为华人背负中华文化传统,红卫兵不包括在我的文化背景里,我个人 disown之
              • 此红卫兵非彼红卫兵
                • 你说的是叫红卫兵的ID?对不住了,不掺合
            • +1. 小的生活冲突别人也不会太计较, 但一定时期和一定场合的安全隐患确实是需要考虑的, 比如安全人员如何对照戴头巾的人就是一个很现实的问题.
            • 这个头巾的事我不完全赞成。我觉得文化、宗教、法律和价值观应该分开。由于其宗教和文化的关系,平常带着就带着。但是一旦需要用面容来识别罪犯的场合,那就应该拿掉。
      • "国家都会逐渐消亡,正如现在的欧洲。"严重误解
        • 国家主权的象征之一的货币的发行权都失去了。是不是国家消亡的前兆?
          • 那说明国家主权的概念需要变化了.而且谁能知道是否成功或是否是暂时的呢? 至少现在做预言有点早.
    • 老猫也开始老生常谈了. 哈,观点很合我意. 爷现在高兴就是主流. 仅仅不认同一个观点, "someday, when our next generations grow up"华人已经好几代人了. 从这个角度来说,,我们不是华人的第一代.
      • well, so far i have not seen a figure head person from Chinese community that can stand up and say that statement while millions will listen and cheer..
        • To be honest, I don't think that is important. Who ever has the ability to lead the country and I will vote for him.
          • one is a fact; one is a feeling.. i don't see a conflict here..
            • +1. Yes, the feeling is true,, but not necessarily "right". Maybe it’s an obstacle for "Chinese” to be standout here. I'd rather think it's kind of sadness feeling,the less, the better.
    • It just feels like a Friday afternoon topic...Who did freak you out?
      • was listening to 99.1 CBC this morning on a topic where an Indian person who grew up at brampton talked about his own experience.. he is a standup comedy star..
        • Is this the guy in This Hour has 22 Minutes?
        • haha...you must forget Tiger mom...she speaks loud...
    • Well said--"let's focus on the positive side of the society; let's be part of it and make it even better. "
      • 以前看星球大战就就想,the dark side的吸引力确实很大:Republic 效率太低,内耗太大;反而the empire看起来更美好。在看到那么多问题之后还保持positive不容易呀。Vader就是前车之鉴。
        • Star war is a good example--most of wise people invest in the positive side and put a lot of value in it:goodness, beauty, moral value...It is the best/ most efficient way to always stay in the positive side as most of men need a meaning in their life.
          If being in the dark side, failing means nothing left. Even a winner in the dark side can't get too much except the feeling of wining because no value is recognized.

          Dictator Mao was a sad and sorrow mood in his last days, since he knew the best he could get was the worst emperor in Chinese history. Mao was a monstrous
          manipulator of human weakness, which can be defined as being in the dark side.
        • I would rather use "Positive & Dark","Bright &Dark" is too simple.
    • 支持老猫一下。positive 是正确的,negative 是错误的。看到好多反华 id 支持老猫,希望这些人看中国也多从 positive 方面看。
      • excellent
      • 看中国positive?还是留着给中宣部及其下属喉舌去做吧。positive不能使中国政府进步,多挑毛病、多批评、甚至多抨击才能。
        • 土共保密工作很到家
          性别: 以后再告诉你
          目前所在地区: 以后再告诉你
          职业: 以后再告诉你
          兴趣爱好: 以后再告诉你

          我的身高: 0(厘米)
          我的体重: 0(公斤)

        • 六给红卫兵们和很多"有关部门"去做就行了.
      • "好多反华 id "ha ha ,"叛徒, 内奸, 工贼". 不过出自红卫兵之口似乎一点不奇怪.我从来没有觉得和老猫的观点有什么大的分歧. 基本上很符合"老右"们的观点.