

sooner or later, we gonna take ownership of the social economic issues of this society. this is "our" country. or, put it this way, this is our kids' country too...

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛reading some articles online... some GOP candidates are arguing that what's happening in Europe today will happen here.. soon...maybe in 4, 5 years, max..

though i am not a fan of neoconservatism, there are some truth in that statement.

according to TIME,if you are born in 1970 in the bottom 1/5 of the society in terms of socialeconomic status, the chance you are living in the upper 2/5 of the society is a mere 17%... a chance lower than some European 老大帝国...

What happened to the "American Dream" ? when as long as you work hard, you can be where you want to be..GOP candidate Cain put it this way: if you are poor, if you are not rich, you have only yourself to blame...But when a whole population is facing the problem of lack of upward mobility, it is not someone's personal problem.

It seems it is getting harder and harder to climb the socialeconomic ladder.. when the inequality between the rich and the poor is becoming larger than ever... the top 1% takes home 21% of the annual income, and owns 35% of the national wealth.. A CxO today earns 400 times more of the lowest paid employee of his company, while a few decades ago the number was only 40.....But did "they" create enough jobs? Not a chance... according to some richest American, American's labor force is way too expensive, and with too low a skill level in a global economy..

So, either the labor force improve their skills; or accept the fact that a lower standard of living is becoming a norm.

People will argue that they can go back to college, re-trained, to gain the skill needed to compete in a market economy..

Not that simple, not that easy, when the national education system is being hijacked by powerful teachers unions.. When any talks about making teachers and students work harder, when any attempts to select better teachers to be hired, when any layoff or pay increase decision to be based on performance merits failed..

doomed?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / sooner or later, we gonna take ownership of the social economic issues of this society. this is "our" country. or, put it this way, this is our kids' country too...
    • 谢谢猫老师喽,大周日的,还是放几首开心的歌吧!
      • 老猫, 看你是个认真的人,我给你点一下, 这个资本主义就是吃未来,吃子孙, 跟还没有出生的人抢,你觉得是公平的吗?当大家都在为自己的退休金如何增值的时候,谁想过物质是不可能凭空多出来
        • 你的这个INSIGHT我倒是从没留意过。
        • 我总是在犹豫是生老二还是ADOPT。可能ADOPT还有意义些。
          • 能生就生啊, 过了年龄就不好办鸟
            • 我ALSO自私。总觉得搭不起时间,有什么可以开导开导。
              • 简单!为自己就多生几个。为小孩子嘛,就免了吧!嘿嘿。。。要是能ADOPT一个,那可是件胜造七级浮屠的事哦!
                • 又怕自己是个豆,领个瓜回来,耽误了孩子。
                  • 接口而已!这种事不是一般的人。。可以做的了的哦!有一次会议,天天同一群老外在饭桌上胡扯,其中一个养了5个孩子。几天后,老板突然问农民,为何头一天讲话即“傲慢”又“装叉”。后几天,不停地拍人家马屁。。。嘿嘿。。。
                    • 你们几个,咱可是认认真真大周末早上写的贴子,竟然歪到.......
                      • 几千只鸭子在一起,还不就是孩子那点事。
                      • 你到底让不让应你的帖子?下次谁还敢呀。小雁没更好轨迹,大雁不管不说,还数落小雁都歪到哪去了。有理没理。我怕批斗,但更受不了委屈。(讲笑,HAVE A NICE DAY)
                        • LOL.. Sorry.. I was kidding...my bad
                          • 感谢猫主席,将这坛子的气氛带向金光大道!!!嘿嘿。。。今天这坛子里的气氛。。。
                            猫猫总是高高在上。嘿嘿。。。您要是能把它给逗急了,那才是本事哦! 不过话又将回来,人家茅台是猫猫的,猫猫不疼谁来疼?楼上的孩子是自己的,她不宠着谁来宠?那MBA的老公更牛叉,她不骄傲,谁来显摆?嘿。。都是天经地义的事哦,城里人咋就看着不爽呢?哈。。。有意思 -4_fun(寻开心: 誓别三推); 11.13 22:38 (#7066711@0) reply more
    • What can we do then? What are you planning to do as a individual person?
      • 好问题,好到我都答不出来了。那就用我今天最后一个份额试试回答吧。

        现阶段大批的移民涌入,很多人只是为了短期利益或权衡之术, 真正把加拿大当作自己未来,打算发挥影响力的未必占大多数。





        对于华人的将来有无地位, 只能看注重对子女的教育,眼光不只在数理化和钢琴,不只在找个好工作嫁个好劳工,希望更多的华二代进入政界商界军界法律界。 等到一定时候,也许几十年后,希望曾经的新移民的后代里会出现类似Obama这样的人物。