

What's your driving force?

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛If I live alone by myself, I will probably live a very simple life.

I would rent a cheap place,go to Walmart for clothes, eat at food courts.

I don't need anything luxury in my life. I have no tastes, I am a simple man, with very few desires, will live far from any crowd.

I won't give it a shit of $$, or careers, or social status.. because I don't care...

The only driving force in my life is that I want to make them happy..

When I was young and in school, I never caused any trouble.. I wanted to make my parents happy and proud.. I wanted to please teachers and fellow students..

When I was older and had a girl friend, I wanted to please her.. Her needs was my needs.. Whatever made her happy automatically translated into commands...

Now, it is my family... There is nothing please me more than seeing their smiling faces, nothing distracts me more when they are unhappy...

In my work place, I like helping people out because I need the feeling of being needed..

There is no single moment in my life, ever, that I made a decision based on what I need, because I never wanted anything!

Is it sad? Is it good? Can it last?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / What's your driving force?
    • 挺可怕的。那你为什么娶太太呀,不是为了你自己,是怕不娶她,她就嫁不出去吗?
      • 她是我第一个也是唯一一个女朋友...never thought about your question.. Nope, I am sure she can find someone as good, if not better, than me...
        • 那不是就是为了你自己了。
      • You don't have anything for yourself. It's quite sad.
    • long time ago, I told my mom I don't need to get married. All I need are a book case, a VCR, and a pentium computer.....
      • 我上中学的时候,我妈说: "你有那么多这个姐那个妹的,是不是打算娶回来一个呀?"... 我说:“我要先立业,后成家”.. Now that I thought about it, it was probably because I knew my answer would please her..
        • 太虚了,嫁给你不是过日子很累,不知道你真正想什么。
          • Even myself don't know what I was truly thinking about.. I have a trait - I become whoever close to me..
            • Recommend a movie for you..."Zelig" by Woody Allen...
            • 然后你close的人又不想影响到你,也只会做出please你的事情,然后。。最后就是谁的日子也不好过。
    • It is sad that you live for others rather than for yourself
      • for some people, the purpose of life is to observe and serve others. And they feel honored to do so.
        • if it is always like that, never for himself/herself, it is still unbelievable. Everyone has his/her own desires, no matter they are high or low.
    • 矫情猫又回来了,鉴定完毕。。
      • # 咋跟我老婆的说话一样呢? -mikesmith(老猫); 1.9 20:54 (#7199223@0) reply more
        • 得,我收声。。
    • so what is your drive to say all these here?
      • 我想说,但又不敢说得。。。。maybe please us
        • are you pleased? :)
        • maybe to influence us.
      • 你这问题问得真是.....。我只能说"佩服"。
      • affirmation of being a good and noble man?
        • Whose need was that?:-)
    • 毫不利己,专门利人。哼。。。
    • I am sorry to say It is sad that you have no identity...
    • Truly admirable! ... and I guess the only reason why you decide to spend so much time on Rolia was because we all need you so much eh. Thank you, we do. :-)
    • 大多数60,70年代的 人都是这样"毫不利已,专门利人",连做眼保健操都是"为革命,保护视力"。老猫应该是80后了,还不够中年呢。
      • Mikesmith's point is that 利人=>利已. This would be a perfect state for the society -- but the world today is not ready for it. If mikesmith has been able to unfrustratedly pursuing this thus far, he must have been quite blessed.
    • I truly admire mikesmith as a great Taoist -- but unfortunately not a lot of people understand him in this ever materialized/tainted world.
    • don't tell me you’ve never wanted anything in return, other than the satisfaction of being needed
      • 其实吧,我总觉得我不是人,是个外星生物。在这个阶段,暂时寄生在一个人类的躯壳里。物质上的desire对我没太多意义,因为我应该不知哪天就回去了。
        • I didn’t mean materials in return either. You give, you get. Their love and care, their faith in you and their heart. Give one chance that your beloved ones ever betrays you…..
          • To make it more complicated -- what if one of your loved ones needs you to stop being needed by some other ones?
        • yes, u go to washroom with an iPad..........
    • 结婚前为父母活,结婚后为老婆活,有了孩子就为子女活,养了猫就为猫活---老猫不像是这种人啊
    • What a pity!
      • I would say what a fortune!
    • 这是你自己写的么?。。挺好的。。自己觉得快乐就好,不必在乎以怎样的方式获取。。
      • 是我写的,多谢
    • So all you did is to please everybody except yourself? Are you happy at all?
      • most of the time, i am a happy man
        • It's good if you are still happy to do whatever to please others. Otherwise, what you did could be the burden to your beloved ones. But remember you can't please everybody, so don't try too hard.
          • I know my limit....
            • Honestly it's not easy to be a guy like you. Be yourself, be happy! Good luck!
    • 前面那些一个人的生活选择,很像我老公。他跟老猫不同的是,不会为家里的特别需要和我们的笑脸而给自己压力让自己背上包袱,尽力就行,坚持自己。如果我想要奢侈豪华超过他能力的生活,得自己去努力。婚后磨合到现在,我非常理解他。
    • 如果老婆孩子知道你是为了PLEASE她们才对她们好,她们会很伤心的。
    • 不错。不过,年轻力壮的时候可以这么说,反过来求大于供的时候该如何呢?总不会不活了吧。
    • 不信。信才怪。
    • Great! But how about having sex? Only for pleasing her?
      • 东方不败啊,一针见骨髓了都。
    • Or what holds you together? and that without it you would fall apart ? Could the things that hold you together also hold you back in some ways? You never know.
    • A good post made me think. there are a lot of elements in this post. What is the purpose of life? happiness? sense of belonging? satisfaction?...
      '她是我第一个也是唯一一个女朋友', i guess it is rare to see a guy like you in today's society. however, you are NOT the only guy like that.:-)

      'Is it sad? Is it good? Can it last?' i wish someone can tell me the answer,too.

      Modern love is everywhere in today's society, with all social media and technology, what is the moral rule?

      A post makes me think, but i still don't an answer myself.