

(转载并整理)When you become a runner...

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛(英文: 网上收集)

>>Your first thought when you look at the weekly weather forecast is, "When can I fit in my runs?"
只要能跑, 什么天气都行.

>>You have more running clothes than regular clothes in your laundry pile.

>>You smirk when non-runners ask you, "So how long is this marathon?"

>>You've lost a toenail and you tell people, "It's not that bad."
黑脚指甲, 水泡不是伤.

>>You go into Starbucks more often to use the bathroom than to actually buy coffee.
"谢谢! 实在没时间."

>>You no longer make fun of fanny packs because your running belt looks very similar (although cooler) to one.
还有肩背式, 胸挂式, 手拎式等.

>>You've used an old race T-shirt to wash your car, dust furniture, or clean something else.
衣服从大号, 跑到中号, 再到小号.

>>You no longer hate port-a-Johns. In fact, there have been times when you've been very happy to see one.

>> You've had your running shoes only for one months and you know it's already time to replace them.
鞋越买越多, 总没有完全合脚合跑的.

>>Your solution for feeling tired is to go for a run.

>> When you're driving in your car and pass runners, you always judge them.
"这个会跑," "这个腿好像有伤"

>>You know the location of every 7-11, public restroom, and water fountain in running distance from your home.

>>You've swallowed a bug during a run.

>>Your first question to your doctor is, "When can I run again?"
医生: 最好不要再跑.

>>You have a mental list of comments you hate hearing from non-runners.
之一: 跑步伤膝.

>>You never thought of a road you drive on all the time as hilly until you run on it.

>> The only time major household projects get done is during tapering or race recovery.

>>You always wear running shoes. Your old running shoes are now walking shoes. You have a pair of running shoes just for racing, a pair of trail running shoes, two pairs of trainers to alternate every other day, and you know the exact mileage of them all. Nothing like the smell of new running shoes in the morning.

>>You would rather run 10 miles than go out for a nice steak dinner and a movie.

>>You are still eager to run and to learn about running every day, although you've been running for more than 30 years!

>>Your treadmill has more miles on it than your car.
跑坏了几部机器, 幸亏都是gym的.

>>You get an invitation to a wedding and you automatically think about what race the date will conflict with.
只有一种情况不能赴会, 如果...

>>You're not embarrassed to wear spandex.

>>you know how to take a cup of water from a water station without choking on it or spilling it all over yourself.

>>You have a line in your budget for "race entry fees/race travel".
加上机票和酒店, 不便宜.

>>The salespeople at your local running shop knows you by name.

>>At least one of your web site usernames, passwords or email addresses has the word "run" or "runner" in it.

>>You wear your running watch even when you're not running. ("It matches, right?")

>>You know how to correctly spell and pronounce plantar fasciitis and iliotibial band
PF不是"佩服", ITB不是电脑新技术.

>>You spend more money and have more fun shopping for running clothes and shoes .

>>When you hear PR, you automatically think "personal record", not "public relations".
首(马) 只有一次, PR可有无数次.

>>Your holiday wish list can be fulfilled at any running or sporting goods store.

>>One of the first things people ask you when they haven't seen you in a while is, "What race are you training for now?"

>>You get excited when the new Runner's World comes in the mail.

>>You always have your next race on the calendar.

>>You want to either cry or punch your doctor in the face when he tells you that you can't run for two weeks.

>>You're excited for your next birthday because it means you'll be in a new age group at road races.

>>You have running clothes and an extra pair of running shoes in your car, "just in case."

>>You're not embarrassed to admit that you've peed in the woods during a run.

>>You get annoyed seeing that your GPS watch is still "Locating Satellites".

>>You're always hungry.

>>When you hear the word "bib", you think about a race number, not a baby.

>>When someone passes you during a training run, you assume they're running a shorter distance than you are.

>>You don't blink at running 26.2 miles, but sometimes that feels like way too far to drive.
甲: 42公里, 我跑吧, 开车太远. 乙: 去你的!

>>When you hear a song from your running playlist on the radio, you immediately feel like running.

>>You frequently get asked, "Did you run?"
"跑过吗?" 代替了"吃过吗?"
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  • 枫下沙龙 / 户外活动 / <<一起奔 10,000 KM>>之讨论贴, 有关此活动的问题, 可在此贴讨论.
    • 新年礼物特别建议: 参加 <<一起奔 10,000 KM>>.
    • 专业runner冬天跑山
    • 跑步教室
    • 1963(li), 请重新reply总贴.
    • 请问在室内跑步,你们用Garmin Foot Pod 吗?有个garmin 310,有必要添个 Foot Pod 吗?
      • 在室内跑treadmill或者track可以用foot pod
      • 从没用过, 室内的treadmill上有读数.
        • 很多跑步机不准得离谱
    • 跑步跑马教学video(国语)---上
    • 跑步跑马教学video(国语)---下
    • 俺的冬跑装备

      • 这温度在户外跑还是有勇气滴。
        • 参加这活动多少也push了自己.
          • 我认识的一位MM 一直坚持在户外跑步,这几天虽然天气寒冷,仍然坚持每天傍晚户外跑。
            • 今天早上骑BIXI从Union Station到公司,冻得我一路骂F#&€!
              • windchill -10 more.
                • :-(
      • Costco的Kirkland Merino Wool socks冬天室外跑步很好。
        • +1, 平时hiking 穿也很舒服。
    • 跑马的学术竞能研究到这种高度
    • 马年--与马同奔

      • 赞。
    • 如何避免跑步损伤你的膝盖
    • 54 years, 8 months, 6 days, 5 hours, 32 minutes and 20.3 seconds to finish a marathon

    • 关于冬天/关于跑步
    • 跑步机杂汇

      • 喜欢那个跑马的
    • Runner's V Day
    • sw2000(sw), 欢迎参加<<一起奔 10,000 KM>>, 请加入2013年12月5日以后的里程.
    • (转载并整理)When you become a runner...
    • Funny Running Shirts

    • 奥运金牌/运动/寿命
    • Runner's warm up + cool down
      • 很好,可是木有时间这样warm-up啊。
    • 有氧运动与无氧运动的区别
      • 你贴的这些信息很有帮助啊。多谢了。
        • 一起奔, 一起学, 一起having fun. 有关跑步的话题还有很多很多, 如: 常见伤病, 如何防止受伤, 痛与伤, 如何恢复, 跑步中如何防车/防狗/防风/防冷/防滑/防水, 等等. 大家一起来收集资料吧.
    • 跑步有问必答网
    • 跑步与受伤
      跑步受伤更多是因为方法不对, 包括跑程, 跑速, 跑姿, 跑鞋等等. 跑步能提高身体的协调, 平衡及灵活性, 加强肌肉及骨骼, 反而能减少在工作, 生活和其它运动中受伤的机会. 循行渐近及科学跑步能避免不必要的受伤. 下面是七种常见的伤病.

      1 Runner's Knee

      2 Achilles Tendinitis

      3 Hamstring Issues

      4 Plantar Fasciitis

      5 Shinsplints

      6 Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS)

      7 Stress Fracture

      • 我得过了2和4。
        • 右脚得过2, 练golf 挥杆造成, 持续近一年, 最后running through.
    • 如何培养跑步兴趣
    • 沾点名人的光
      • 其中有Nobel Prize获得者Wolfgang Ketterle
    • 长跑之断想(仅供参考)
      • 总结的很好
    • PRICE---适合受伤及跑后恢复
    • Garmin 的心率带准吗?今早从Yonge/Finch 地铁站停车场跑到 Eglinton 折返跑回,其中York Mills 大坡跑了 两次,共20.65KM, 心率显示 Avg HR: 88 bpm, Max HR: 182 bpm, 平均 88 bpm 不可能吧?
      • 我不太用, 凭感觉. 这有个link, 解释挺详细.
        • Thanks.
    • 全球超马大观
    • Treadmill Running vs Road Running
    • "跑步可以如此简单而高兴" (整理中)

      • 永不放弃
      • 永不放弃
        <img src=http://rawkstarstatus.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/tumblr_mc2932zdt51r2f29io1_500.jpg />
      • 继续高兴
    • Summer Calling--运动音乐汇集(整理中)
    • 跑事真多!
      • 国内的土豪们也追上来了
    • 鞋! 鞋! 鞋!
      跑步四要素: 体力, 意志, 技术和鞋, 其中鞋最容易解决--化钱, 多买几双也无妨.
      • 介绍
      • 行街
      • 研究


    • 公式汇集
      • 简算BMI (Body Mass Index)
        • 图解

          坚持跑步能降低BMI, 跑出的肌肉是细强, 健美练出的是粗壮.

      • 换算pace
      • 训练pace
      • 训练心跳
      • 训练计划
      • 谢谢你为大家提供的各类信息,很有帮助。
    • Running Free

    • Meb Keflezighi之2014波马传奇: 38岁(12岁移民美国)+冠军(此赛事1983年来首个美国人)+个人最佳2:08:37 (跑了12年)

    • Trail Run 之点滴
      • 赞。
    • Sulphur Springs Trail Run 比赛报告集
      • 1
      • 2
      • 3
      • 4