

关于游行的一点想法 - 回友人贴

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1) I truly support you guys' activities - you believed in what you were doing, you think it is something for the greater good of our Chinese people, you acted on it, and the event was heroic and historical, I admire you for what you've been doing;

2) I did not attend, and do not plan to attend those activities, for I have my belief and I hold on to it dearly:

a) What makes us strong? What makes others respect us?

Because we have a louder voice? because we have more people? because people are afraid of us? Or because we are intelligent, we are confident, we are good citizen of the earth, we know the tools, we are the master of the methods, we control the resources, we can communicate clearly without raising the voice, and most importantly, we respect ourselves and others, we help each other, we understand our opponents, and we are prepared; We are united not because we are all Chinese, but because we are Chinese with a common cause;

b) Who are the enemies? What do we protest against?
"Western" countries?" "Canadian government? " "Biased Western media?" "Dalai Lama?" "Free Tibetan Movement? " or the rioters?
It does not make logical sense to me to protest against either the western countries or western governments - I'd have a hard time to understand why we live with the wolves. I'd assume we wanted to protest against those "biased medias" and whoever wants to use Olympics as an opportunity to make China looks bad. I agree that we should indeed to protest both. But where and how? I am a proud Chinese because of 岳飞,闻天祥,潭词同, not because of 义和团 or 法轮功。

c) Is it now a critical time for our Chinese people?
I'd say "YES", but for a different reason. I never think any external forces can ever do much real damage to our country or our people. The global economy has tied different countries together too tight - it is a game of all live, or all die. We are strong indeed. But the danger resides inside. When those intellectuals lost their ideal, when the whole society can only tolerate one voice, when there is no channel for people less fortunate to find a way out, is it something we should be worrying about?

I was against the bid in 1990 and 2001, as I saw it a huge burden to our people. But now that the money already spent and the whole world watching, I support Olympics 2008 Beijing, no matter what.

From Friend:犹太人大屠杀纪念碑碑文 - Mike Smith 必须读,要求写出读后感


德国新教牧师Martin Niemoller名言, 稍作加工:

"In Germany, they came first for the Communists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist;

And then they came for the trade unionists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;

And then they came for the Jews, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;

And then they came for China, And I didn't speak out because I was not living in China;

And then CNN used racism words insulting Chinese, And I didn't speak out because I thought I wasn't that kind of Chinese anyway;

And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time there was no one left to speak up."









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