

To For-Family Lily

Lily, You know what?

I feel very sorry for you! how you wording your post only make people look down on you!

My only guess is that you are the ONE as you described, pity! The way you expressed yourself is not COMMON! Apparently, something seriously wrong with you.

Anyway, I won't come back to fight with you again, it is not worthwhile! I mean ..With a people like YOU!
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  • To For-Family Lily
    Lily, You know what?

    I feel very sorry for you! how you wording your post only make people look down on you!

    My only guess is that you are the ONE as you described, pity! The way you expressed yourself is not COMMON! Apparently, something seriously wrong with you.

    Anyway, I won't come back to fight with you again, it is not worthwhile! I mean ..With a people like YOU!
    • 姐,年纪大了表激动。
      • 楼主不要激动,以至于夜不能寐. .. 我并不是攻击, 只是看到帖子的推理, 楼主自我保重吧,...
        • 我不激动你怎么发言。 你怎么会有fun呀。 "出发点不同"? 那您什么出发点啊? 我们可以探讨啊。 看你用词就知道你是心底不善良的人。还顶着FOR FAMILY的帽子嘞。 why are you even here? give me a beak! 对不起,你伤人在先滴。
          Your word called straight? you are insulting, my English is far away from perfect, I admit that, how about yours? jiejie, I didn't see you using a single word.
      • 这叫正当防卫+活跃论坛。
        • 楼主, 我的用词显得不善良,那么楼主粗俗的用词又反映楼主是怎样的人呢???是不是又进一步印证了我的推测??? 另外,良药苦口,如果楼主执迷不悟,我认为没有必要再与你理论...,有写人是不可救摇了
          • You are the 粗俗 one at the 1st place, My words are not even close to粗俗 . BTW, Save your 良药to yourself, this forum doesn't need a hero like you.
            I gave up arguing, it seems that we are not at the same circumstance taking about same thing. Forget it!
            • 嗯,莫生气,对身体不好。。。