

For those proud Canadians,

if you’re unhappy as the world bans seal products, and if you happen to be one of those “anti-dog meat” protestors, this news piece might make you think twice. You would argue “this is different”, trust me they have a lot in common.

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  • Please Stop Public Shaming Dog Meat Lovers +3

    I am a dog meat lover.  Dog meat is one of the only few things that I miss about China.  

    I remember when I was still in my hometown, we only had dog meat for special occasions.  It’s this special thing that bonded our family together.  It’s my family’s culture.  Although I haven’t had it since I came here, it’s still my favorite meat.  The fact that I am not able to have it in Canada only makes me want to have it more.

    However, those so call “animal right activist” have always been shaming us, the dog meat eaters, for more than a decade long.  With the #StopYuLin2015, western activist now have joined the public shaming.

    Dogs are just like any other kind of farmed animals, like cow, sheep, pig, chicken…  We eat them.  We feed them in farms, we kill them, we cook them, and we eat them.  If you think eating dog meat is wrong, then eating any kind of meat is wrong, be a vegetarian already then. 

    I understand is wrong, if they torture the dogs.  But isn’t that the same if it’s other kind of animals?  Trust me, if it happens to dogs, it also happens to other animals.  Eating dogs isn't the problem, and would never be the problem.  The problem is there is no regulation about how should the vendors treat their animal. 

    I understand is wrong, if they steal other people’s pet.  But pets doesn’t taste good.  They steal pets because it cost nothing, and the police don’t care.  It’s not about people eat dogs, it’s because the police in China are mostly corrupted, and won’t give a sh**t if people’s belonging are stolen.

    All those cruelty that is happening, not because we eat dogs, it’s because the Chinese government, and the whole society have serious problems.  Please, if you have the effort to protest against the Chinese eating dog meat, use the effort to protest something more important.  The human is still suffering, how can they safe the dogs?

    Please #StopPublicShamingDogMeatLovers.


    And no, they aren't pets.  Only small portion of those dogs are stolen as other people's pet.  Most of them are raised in farms.


    • For those proud Canadians, +2

      if you’re unhappy as the world bans seal products, and if you happen to be one of those “anti-dog meat” protestors, this news piece might make you think twice. You would argue “this is different”, trust me they have a lot in common.

      • Non-aboriginal Canadians may never have a chance to enjoy seal meat though. :) IMHO it's okay to enjoy meat, but we need to do it cautiously and mindfully. Don't abuse it. +2
        • Absolutely agreed, and we don't need a "Festival" for that. +1
    • I believe that those activists picked a wrong target. +1

      The key should be to treat animals fairly, not matter livestock, pets, or wild life. 

      Pet stealing is a different issue too.  It's another bad thing in China.  Security and safety are always issues in China, both from my memory and from the news.

      Talking about dog meat, it's not only Chinese who do so.  Koreans also like and enjoy dog meat a lot.  It's just a different culture that some westerners don't fully know or understand.

      It's not uncommon that certain animals are petted somewhere while they are source of meat somewhere else.  For example, guinea pig is a delicious dish in Ecuador while in Canada you can only get it from pet stores.

      Even within Canada, some people pet rabbits, but you can also find rabbits from grocery stores.

    • " Only small portion of those dogs are stolen as other people's pet. Most of them are raised in farms." ???? Big Lie !


      Pls read Chinese Government owned newspaper's investigation. 


      • Sad to hear that. Stealing is for sure a crime, the authority should take actions. +1

        On the other hand, petting dog is relatively a new thing in China, maybe since the 1980's.  While dog meat had been consumed since far far longer time ago.  Traditionally dogs have been livestock.

        • Take actions? You must know legal system in China better than me. and you must know what is their Priority as well.

          Yes, what kind of meat is not real issue, but the way how they get food material and how to kill them cruelly in front of people, can you take it?

          • did you see that tweet?

            Just in case it wasn't showing:



            This is a total lie.  First of all, it use "these pets".  Most of them aren't pets, even if they were stole from country side as others' property, they aren't treated as pets.  They are lifestocks.  Also just out of common sens "skin alive"?  If vendors are selling it for money, why would they skin it alive other than kill it first save the troubles?  

            And the problem is not about people eat dogs, is that the whole government systerms are a piece of crap.  If the root problem is not fixed, it does not help to put them blame on to eating dog meat. 

            And them handle any kind of meat in the same way in front of people.  I remeber seeing them killing a chicken as a kid.  It happens to anykind of lifestocks.