

[也来废话, 就是长了点] 终于没憋住, 偶这星期又和小老板吵架了, 吵得偶心情巨差, 上网也停了. 怪就怪偶E文太差, 既没考T又没考G, college E文混混, 一句No matter you accept or not , 把偶小老板气得音高八度,

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛连说偶rude+rude. 偶索性就rude到底了, 倒打他一耙, 说他不尊重cultural difference, 欺负偶等E文low level...

偶在此公司做牛做马, 终于感觉这样要做S的, 就在上周四, 听从orz教导, 把事情桩桩件件放到台面上讲, 尤其强调他心血来潮要做的database project, is absolutely a database structural change, not a trivia thing. 他以为一天就可搞定哦! 偶这么一说, 等于变相把他拒绝了... 看得出, 当时他很不爽, 但就说了句 "sounds fair" 也没多放P. 然后偶就跟他说明天周五要去看医生, 当时对他说"skin irritation", 晚点到公司, 他也OK了. (偶工作两年, 就这一次请假看病, 不过不得不在此承认, 是想怠下工)

周五看好医生, 马上被refer给Dermatologist, 偶也碰巧, 打电话约Dermatologist 的时候, 正好有病人cancel appointment, 我立马就被约到下周一. 因为当中隔个周末, 我也没和他说请假的事, 心想小事一桩, 周一早上发个妹就完了.



I'll be late today for dermatologist's appointment for further check-up around 11:45 a.m.

I would like to make up those hours during the week since I have no idea how long it's going to take.

Considering I may not have enough time further working on the database project this week due to the month-end routines and sales report discussion, I would like to talk about the project first with XX, XX,
XX and you altogether regarding the current stage of the project and hopefully we can come up with the timeline for it.....余下省略数句均是谈工作...

See you later...


等偶看好病12:30赶回公司, 一开机看了他的妹, 气得吐血, 工作上重要的事一概不谈, 就谈偶的请假问题:

Hi XXX, I can appreciate you needing time for the doctor’s today, however this short notice is not appreciated. You know I like to have appropriate notice and typically with dermatologist’s, you know about the appointments in advance, as they rarely accept anyone in such short notice. In future I would expect much more notice than the morning of the appointment, as you know that is the professional approach. Thanks.

偶一个"火"呀, 立马也"妹"过去:


Fortunately or unfortunately, one patient cancelled his/her appointment and I got the chance to get in. As you know, how many people can be that lucky? Btw, my health card will be expired on Jan. For sure, I want to get in ASAP instead of waiting. You know much better than me about the medical system in Canada.

As you know I went to see the doctor on last Friday for my over-a-year irritated skin. Do you really think it’s simply a skin irritation? It could be more serious than that…maybe cancer…maybe immune system problem… For sure I would like to do the check-up. No matter you accept or not. It’s a short notice simply because I’m way too busy and have to put my health under such low priority. Next time, for sure I’ll raise its priority level and give you more time of notice.

Just so you know, I’ve made more appointments for further check-up and waiting for the medical test results…

此妹效果甚甚强, 把他气得连叫"rude, rude", "What do you mean by 'No matter you accept or not'? blah blah..." 偶看他气得要叫偶turn back to talk to him, 偶一拗, 楞是装作没听见, 就把背对着他, 这下碰着老虎尾巴了...rude, rude直叫唤...TNND, 偶就回了一句, "背对着你讲话, 是cultural difference, 大中华背对背讲话多来兮". ..写了一句No matter what, 是E文太差, 不知道这里不可用, 下次不用就是了...值得这么大呼小叫嘛! (不好意思, 此地不得不玷污大中华一下, 偶现在很惭愧...)

偶知道这么一来, 加薪的事要黄了, 真是得不偿失啊! 写出来, 给大家一个提醒: 老板, 千万得罪不得! EQ, E文的训练, 迫在眉睫啊! 还有, 老中吵架太惨烈, 情绪上来了, 控制不住啊, 当然偶修养低, 这个偶也承认...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • [也来废话, 就是长了点] 终于没憋住, 偶这星期又和小老板吵架了, 吵得偶心情巨差, 上网也停了. 怪就怪偶E文太差, 既没考T又没考G, college E文混混, 一句No matter you accept or not , 把偶小老板气得音高八度,
    • 呵呵,没什么大不了的。吸取经验教训就是了,吃一堑长一智。经济不好的时候尾巴稍稍夹紧一点。
      • 唉, 只好这样了, 为五斗米折腰...
        • 你还“折腰”?我看你反革命气焰相当嚣张的,丝毫不拿村长当干部,哈哈。
          • 么办法了, 老老实实工作还要挑刺, 自然气焰是有一些的. 你的贴还是ID, 是不是已经被删啦? 不可以回了嘛!
            • 又好回了.
    • 别上火别上火。他可能已经忘了,真要用你,还是要给你加点的。嗯,还有可能咱在这里拍砖习惯了,不小心顺势用到老板身上?此乃转身扭了腰也。:)
      • 忘了是不可能的, 他气得去告诉大老板, 大老板当着我们面, 读了一段什么基督教里的 forgive/forgiven, 实在搞笑, 偶一句也没听进去...
        • 哈哈,你们公司大家处长久了,吵嘴蛮有大家庭气氛的嘛。我还听说有个公司老板之间吵架,拿起厨房的盘子就当暗器飞过来。
          还有老板点你的SHORT NOTICE问题,尽量注意点为好。他可能帮你接了好几个年底债主不怀好意催帐电话,有点烦。一个罗卜一个坑,没办法。
          • 偶曾经工作过的地方是老板互相以F字开头吵架,而且还是两个金发美女。。。
            • 似乎经历相似,我们这边是带点地理特点,本土的基本都有点儿。
          • 什么老板啊? 真得打起来啦? 偶怎么就没这眼福呢? 说实话, 偶天天盼着大小老板打起来呢! 羡慕前辈的眼福ing....(憧憬状)
            什么SHORT NOTICE? 偶周五请假他是知道的, 等偶搞定偶的周一appointment, 他早就脚底留油, 走啦! 总不见得叫偶周六周日还想着请假的事吧. 这就拖到周一了, 偶又要送儿子又要查地图, 惦记着给他个notice就不错了!...BTW, 您没觉得他在question 偶的 integrity 吗? 再说了, 偶的工作上的事, 都是偶漂漂亮亮搞定, 他整天上班就是发发妹, 工作视察视察, 打几个破电话, 没事找事就只好对我说: 小快你桌上要理理干净啊! 表要象我这样...偶上次顶他: 你少给我点事, 不就干净了吗?
    • 我都看乐了。你和老板都满好玩的,email跟作文一样,公司也很有大家庭氛围。没什么大不了的事儿,回头过去当面道个谦,和和稀泥,撒撒娇,就说最近这工作呀,看专家呀,这年底繁重购物任务啊,等等,都让你感觉stressful,不过现在好多了,以后一定会提前请假。
      • 撒娇的事偶是做不来的, 要不然偶就不是混温饱的小快了, 偶要成邓文迪啦!
        想当年3M的日子, 一到monthend, CFO就站在偶身后, 看偶run daily operation, 等着偶出sales number, 他好去汇报. 偶那个时候, 要是会撒娇, 今天还至于这么惨嘛!
        • You may have different understanding of Pingle's 撒娇. Pingle doesn't suggest you to 'flirt' with your boss, but to say sorry in a less formal way. BTW, I don't think 邓文迪 fit to that type of role.
          I apologize in advance for my poor English. 'flirt' may not be what you mean. Too much ambiguity : )
    • 话说回来,你那妹儿,口气的确比较彪悍,除了no matter... or not,一口一个as you know, do you really think, for sure I...
      • MM, E文呢, 偶是不行的, "as you know" 这句不是抄老板的吗? Do you really think 是偶在气头上, 气不择言嘛! For sure 呢, 偶这不都是和老外学得嘛, 偶们是open enviornment, 上班跟开圆桌会议没两样, 偶听多了, 自然写得时候就冒出来了...
    • 继续吵,不吵(炒)这北美经济好不了啊。看来你当小老板的日子不会太远啦。:)
      • 偶这心理素质, 偶知道偶不行. 表潮偶了...
    • Hoho, no offence...
      , if look at it from your boss' perspective, there is nothing wrong to picture you as a rude one, you acted like a boss, you didn't mence your words, even a single "SORRY" can't be found in your email.... no offence again, PLS DON'T MIND
    • 我怎么看,都觉得写得很不错哦。
    • 小快好厉害啊,你已经快成我的偶像啦,希望自己将来有胆色跟老板呛声。呵呵~