


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Sett Date Qty Description Type/Price Comm Net Amt
Trade Date 06-Aug-2009
11-Aug-2009 1,900 HB NYMEX NATL GAS BULL+ADO*6469 4.68 -$57.00 -$8,949.00
Trade Date 11-Aug-2009
14-Aug-2009 1,800 HB NYMEX NATL GAS BULL+ALK*7388 4.16 -$54.00 -$7,542.00
14-Aug-2009 -1,100 OPTI CANADA INC KT*7468 AS PRINC WE BOT AND CHGD A FEE SHOWN AS COMM 1.69 -$29.00 $1,830.00
14-Aug-2009 -2,500 OPTI CANADA INC 1.69 $0.00 $0.00
14-Aug-2009 -400 OPTI CANADA INCKT*7468 1.69 -$72.40 $4,828.60
Trade Date 10-Aug-2009
13-Aug-2009 -500 MOLY MINES LTD 1.05 $0.00 $0.00
13-Aug-2009 -4,500 MOLY MINES LTDMO*6423 1.06 -$79.43 $5,215.57
13-Aug-2009 3,100 OPTI CANADA INC 1.63 $0.00 $0.00
13-Aug-2009 900 OPTI CANADA INC PM*6598 1.63 -$97.80 -$6,617.80
Trade Date 07-Aug-2009
12-Aug-2009 4,500 MOLY MINES LTD 0.85 $0.00 $0.00
12-Aug-2009 500 MOLY MINES LTDJF*7366 0.85 -$54.00 -$4,304.00
Trade Date 04-Aug-2009
07-Aug-2009 -1,600 ANVIL MINING LTDEH*6197 AS PRINC WE BOT AND CHGD A FEE SHOWN AS COMM 2.24 -$48.00 $3,536.00
07-Aug-2009 -600 ANVIL MINING LTD EH*6197 2.24 -$18.00 $1,326.00
07-Aug-2009 -2,000 MERCATOR MINERALS LTD IF*6837 1.95 -$58.50 $3,841.50
07-Aug-2009 -26,000 RESPONSE BIOMEDICAL CORPHT*6524 0.155 -$60.45 $3,969.55
Trade Date 31-Jul-2009
06-Aug-2009 -3,000 RESPONSE BIOMEDICAL CORP 0.16 $0.00 $0.00
06-Aug-2009 -500 RESPONSE BIOMEDICAL CORPCN*6115 0.16 -$29.00 $531.00
Trade Date 30-Jul-2009
05-Aug-2009 -500 RESPONSE BIOMEDICAL CORP CN*6115 0.16 -$29.00 $51.00
Trade Date 29-Jul-2009
04-Aug-2009 600 ANVIL MINING LTD 1.98 $0.00 $0.00
04-Aug-2009 1,400 ANVIL MINING LTD 1.98 $0.00 $0.00
04-Aug-2009 200 ANVIL MINING LTDUK*5821 1.98 -$65.34 -$4,421.34

Trade Date 28-Jul-2009
31-Jul-2009 1,200 MERCATOR MINERALS LTD 1.85 $0.00 $0.00
31-Jul-2009 800 MERCATOR MINERALS LTDSJ*5378 1.85 -$55.50 -$3,755.50
31-Jul-2009 24,000 RESPONSE BIOMEDICAL CORP 0.135 $0.00 $0.00
31-Jul-2009 6,000 RESPONSE BIOMEDICAL CORPJF*6259 0.135 -$60.75 -$4,110.75更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • for OPC.TO holders, check this news. personally I don't think it's a good one
    • 灌水今天做什么股票?俺今天不用上班,可以紧跟大侠做daytrader...hehe:)
      • 别喊我大侠,有股票我在这里喊
        • 大仙!
    • CCE.VN
      • Follow you @$0.5...give me a shout when you are out...thanks
        • ok
          • 横盘很久咧,好像没搞头?
            • 大盘不好,不行先出来吧
              • 做赌客服务不错,收COMMISSION
                • 你说这话什么意思?
                  • Don't mad, I think he didn't mean that...
                  • 你又不收你担啥心呢。我是说券商,收买卖手续费的。不是说“代为理财”或者“卖消息”那种
              • Agreed. ready to go...thanks
        • 目标价位多少?
          • in my mind, CCE is one of the best REE play. it's anticipating a news from its blue river project before September. I traded it lots of times and I mentioned it around .40 level. although MM washed to .35 I didn't cut loss.
            I actually have a large position from then not for DT purpose. Today it gapped up with volume to .51, i thought it could be the day that breaks up so i got in .51 20k at open. you guys can check from stockwatch that 20k .51 from TD was my order.

            Today the market is facing correction, CCE's MM is washing again. I have cut 10k my DT position and hold tight for the swing position. if you guys want to gamble news with me, .50 level is not so high. if you guys just DT with me, then CUT LOSS HERE!
            • 灌兄,我想赌一把,不过我打算在.45进,有否可能?再:9月前目标价位多少?.90?
              • 你可以参考 CLQ.VN QUC.VN这类股的走势,机构刻意打压CCE已经很久了。
            • 谢谢灌水.OPC当初跟你1.59进的,也赚钱了.非常感谢.
    • 老大opc要不要走?
      • 随喜~反正今天爆不了,出了也可以。
        • 谢谢
          • 出坏消息不跌,很可能要涨
            • 那我赶紧把它买回来了:)
            • 啥?我刚被吓着卖了(1.63进,1.69卖),4K,一点没赚,全给了TD Waterhouse 200多Commission了,555555555
              • 200多Commission????? Too Much!
                • Try CIBC, only 2 x 6.95 = $13.90 fee buy-sell
                  • I am new, and I heard TD Waterhouse is one of the best tool...............
                    • you need to open an different account.
                      • Thanks, where? It took me at least 3 weeks to transfer my RRSP from Sun Life to TD. Don't know how long it will take me to transfer them out?
                • how much you pay?
              • HOLLY, THAT'S TOO MUCH
              • 搞错了吧
              • Looks abut right. For non-active investor's E-trade: $29 for first 1K shares then 3 cents per share. For OPC, since it is under $2, so the regular commission is 1.5% of the principal trade.
                I had been in those days, not a good experience, now I use CIBC's package.
                • what do you think about CIBC package? If CIBC is good, I am going to CIBC because it is my home bank.
                  • InvestorEdge Advantage packge: Annual 395 for 50 trades, then 6.95 per trade thereafter. No matter how many shares (up to 4000 shares for me per trade @ 6.95)
                    • Thanks very much! I could be wrong, before I opened the account with TD I heard TD can do all the stock for US and Canada, but others may only be able to do some of stocks, not all? besides, TD is the fastest for transaction?
                  • I am using it, so far so good. Sometimes my buy order has pending status but not for long. Two things worth mention, one good, one bad(not really, depends)
                    1) $395 is a package so you pay $395/yr even if you have only one trade in the year. They do prorate the fee and trades if you enroll during the year

                    2) ONLY charge you ONCE for multiple orders on the same side for the same stock in the same day. So if you buy the same stock 10 times during the day at different prices, CIBC only charges you once, say $6.95 if above 50 trades. Buy and Sell the same stock are considered as 2 trades.
                    • Thank you so much for sharing your experience. BTW, what could cause the order "pending"? Sounds like I need to consider seriously switch from TD to CIBC.
                      • Not sure, system busy? Normally the pending is just 5-20 seconds for some buy orders (not for sell). Not sure about others' experience with CIBC. CIBC is my home bank too, that's one of the reasons I choose it, easier to move money around.
                        • again, appreciate very much! I will talk with CIBC next week. As I mentioned in another post "Before I opened the account with TD I heard TD can do all the stock for US and Canada, but others may only be able to do some of stocks, not all? "
              • 在TD做一定要先跑满3个月30单的定额,以后不管多少股都是9.99一单。只要一直维持3个月30单的交易量,你将永远可以9.99
                • 我才在TD用了一个星期,买卖一共14单,已经交了$865 Commission. 比CIBC $395/year/50单贵多了?常人说:一分钱一分货。为什么TD这么贵?
                  • 看来你做的是大宗交易啊,肯定每笔是几千几万股的交易量
                    • 不能这样取笑我的,我是新手,每笔交易都只有几千块的...........所以觉得TD Waterhouse显得太贵了.
                      • 较真一下,呵呵,我也是用的td,也是一样的条件,但14笔交易的时候没有这么多费用,有点糊涂了
                        • 看来要得到信任比较难,那你帮我计算一下,请看里面:-)
                          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Sett Date Qty Description Type/Price Comm Net Amt
                          Trade Date 06-Aug-2009
                          11-Aug-2009 1,900 HB NYMEX NATL GAS BULL+ADO*6469 4.68 -$57.00 -$8,949.00
                          Trade Date 11-Aug-2009
                          14-Aug-2009 1,800 HB NYMEX NATL GAS BULL+ALK*7388 4.16 -$54.00 -$7,542.00
                          14-Aug-2009 -1,100 OPTI CANADA INC KT*7468 AS PRINC WE BOT AND CHGD A FEE SHOWN AS COMM 1.69 -$29.00 $1,830.00
                          14-Aug-2009 -2,500 OPTI CANADA INC 1.69 $0.00 $0.00
                          14-Aug-2009 -400 OPTI CANADA INCKT*7468 1.69 -$72.40 $4,828.60
                          Trade Date 10-Aug-2009
                          13-Aug-2009 -500 MOLY MINES LTD 1.05 $0.00 $0.00
                          13-Aug-2009 -4,500 MOLY MINES LTDMO*6423 1.06 -$79.43 $5,215.57
                          13-Aug-2009 3,100 OPTI CANADA INC 1.63 $0.00 $0.00
                          13-Aug-2009 900 OPTI CANADA INC PM*6598 1.63 -$97.80 -$6,617.80
                          Trade Date 07-Aug-2009
                          12-Aug-2009 4,500 MOLY MINES LTD 0.85 $0.00 $0.00
                          12-Aug-2009 500 MOLY MINES LTDJF*7366 0.85 -$54.00 -$4,304.00
                          Trade Date 04-Aug-2009
                          07-Aug-2009 -1,600 ANVIL MINING LTDEH*6197 AS PRINC WE BOT AND CHGD A FEE SHOWN AS COMM 2.24 -$48.00 $3,536.00
                          07-Aug-2009 -600 ANVIL MINING LTD EH*6197 2.24 -$18.00 $1,326.00
                          07-Aug-2009 -2,000 MERCATOR MINERALS LTD IF*6837 1.95 -$58.50 $3,841.50
                          07-Aug-2009 -26,000 RESPONSE BIOMEDICAL CORPHT*6524 0.155 -$60.45 $3,969.55
                          Trade Date 31-Jul-2009
                          06-Aug-2009 -3,000 RESPONSE BIOMEDICAL CORP 0.16 $0.00 $0.00
                          06-Aug-2009 -500 RESPONSE BIOMEDICAL CORPCN*6115 0.16 -$29.00 $531.00
                          Trade Date 30-Jul-2009
                          05-Aug-2009 -500 RESPONSE BIOMEDICAL CORP CN*6115 0.16 -$29.00 $51.00
                          Trade Date 29-Jul-2009
                          04-Aug-2009 600 ANVIL MINING LTD 1.98 $0.00 $0.00
                          04-Aug-2009 1,400 ANVIL MINING LTD 1.98 $0.00 $0.00
                          04-Aug-2009 200 ANVIL MINING LTDUK*5821 1.98 -$65.34 -$4,421.34

                          Trade Date 28-Jul-2009
                          31-Jul-2009 1,200 MERCATOR MINERALS LTD 1.85 $0.00 $0.00
                          31-Jul-2009 800 MERCATOR MINERALS LTDSJ*5378 1.85 -$55.50 -$3,755.50
                          31-Jul-2009 24,000 RESPONSE BIOMEDICAL CORP 0.135 $0.00 $0.00
                          31-Jul-2009 6,000 RESPONSE BIOMEDICAL CORPJF*6259 0.135 -$60.75 -$4,110.75更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                          • 你是不是经常电话下单?电话下单是很贵的~~除非那股票只能电话下单(风险控制类的快死股票)~~否则,电话给TD让他们把钱退回来
                            • 没有用过电话下单,只用webbroker. 谢谢!
                      • 看到了,我当初的经验就是用最低的佣金把那30次给跑完,呵呵,也就是垃圾股一般2000元左右,2块以上的每笔交易1000股,这样的成本会低一点。30次的成本好像900多
                        • 但是要维持30单/3个月,如果一段时间股市都不好,也挺麻烦的,可能就不够30单了..........
                          • 你电话问问,记得是一旦跑够30次30块的(等于先交900给TD),你马上就电话他们客服,要求把交易费减到10块FLAT。到了150次(3月内),也立即致电,费用减到8块FLAT。做垃圾股,动不动买几个M的,还是可以。
                            • 我意思是费率不必等到月底才换(那是电脑自动)。你电话去,是人工换费率,和结算日无关。
                            • 谢谢,看来我得注意统计transaction了!
                          • 那你算一下,每次单一价9.99好还是每次29起步,上不封顶的好。到时候14次交易也才140,不用865了,呵呵
                            • 当然9.99好,我现在考虑是不是从TD转到CIBC了。
    • CCE.VN出了PP,40cents 12.5MILLION SHARES,中长期是利好,短期利空
      • will you cut or hold? I bot 10k today
        • based on my experience, CCE might drop to .40 level but you never know. if you are not DT, you don't need to cut. 40 cents should be the bottom for it.
          • thanks