

You are doing what I then did, trading too often. As for NG trading, I had imagined an ideal figure of myself long time ago. Enter after all others are scared away; sit still when everybody else is rushing in and out; take my money and leave without

making a sound when you guys regretting having come out too soon; don't come back until next round. Of course, it never worked out this way on me.
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  • 为什么UNG +2.67%, GAS +5.03%, 而HNU才+2.21
    • It is abnormal.
    • 同迷惑中, 哪位同学可以解释一下? 万分感谢!
      • HNU今天起跟踪Nov的contract.
        • 谢谢!
      • UNG & HNU monitor NYME's NG, GAS monitors Alberta's NG. Too bad, I sold GAS too early at 5.45 this morning but not buy back
        • 谢谢! 我的GAS刚出水面.
        • 天然气好像还没涨透
          • just started; this is typical US MM method; beat us to death, push it to heaven;
            • en. upon NG. so unpredictable! but this round of rebound is not heaven compared to the previous falling down.
          • then nobody dare to chase; exactaly what MM want;
            • I am thinking if I should get it back today coz I still believe tomorrow it will be up. hehehe... crazy.....
              • You are doing what I then did, trading too often. As for NG trading, I had imagined an ideal figure of myself long time ago. Enter after all others are scared away; sit still when everybody else is rushing in and out; take my money and leave without
                making a sound when you guys regretting having come out too soon; don't come back until next round. Of course, it never worked out this way on me.
    • 对啊。why?期货nug+28.hun才+18.?