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  • 奇怪,hnu如此evil的东西怎么还有那么多的人不顾死活地往里跳?
    • 你以为大家都是投资客呀?都是投机分子~
    • sigh; sigh; sigh; too many gamblers; I follow you, my rule #1, never touch H**.TO series;
      I am ok with strategy to put money on something can pay back; but just don't know why people like this HNU.TO so much without think why from Last July, 2008 to now, it dropped 60/2 ~= 30 times whereas same time Natural Gas only down 5 times;

      way more than it claimed 2X ;

      for sure to doom if touched;
      • holy cow; HNU.TO has 4 in 1 reverse split at 15 Apr, 2009; oh, my goodness; that means it dropped ~180 / 2 ~= 90 times in last year; am I right on this or missed some key points;
        how would it be possible? and next question then is, why peple still dare to buy and hold it;
    • another possible reason is that people always like challenge and they think they can control the evil; play it for fun and satisfaction rather than make money; just kidding;
      • 股市里没有常胜将军,只有胜率问题,什么股票都有风险,你抓到了,你就胜. I don't think it is a problem of satisfaction :-)
        • 气死了。买了2。48 hnu.to 1000 shares, sold 2.53. but sold miss 一个零。还剩900shares. droped to 2.2
          • today?
            • yes
              • PAT pat. 为什么没早上卖了呀???Few time 270 level can sell out
              • 你还是让星大帮你看看TA。我个人觉得你可以留着,还在上升中,如果今天收盘在均线上,拿着是没问题的YMYD
                • now I left hand bot hnu.to, right hand hold hnd.to go to next week. thankx
        • sorry; don't mean to offend H** lovers; that's why I said just kidding in my above post; wish everybody win;
          • hehe, I am not a H series lover. I lossed a lot actually on H before including HNU on which I cut twice already. This time is just lucky I think. Kinda of afraid to touch them nowadays.
    • 这让我想起了“蹦极”,每个人都在押回抽的那一下,惊险,刺激,不过如果下跌成为一种趋势, 反弹只是一个瞬间,这个概率实在是太小,如果是1:10还说得过去, 1:1 或 1:2, 实在是花钱找刺激了。
      • As the game has sinful pleasure...
        • Look at hnu.to trends, increase by wave in the moring, the afternoon will keep the same? Thanks
          • Who still have HNU?
            • me
              • *_^
                • 卖了,又第一些买回来了,总觉得会上3,相信星爷的那句话3- 3。6。就是不知道什么时候。星爷你说明天能涨还是跌。
                  • 3.6 -3.7 recently
                    • 有星爷这句话,心理踏实多了,以后不看盘了,天天设定3.6, 直到这个价格就卖掉了。谢谢你了。肉联这个坦子好,每个板块上都有能人好人。
        • Wow, the evil is bouncing.
          • Are obsessed with evil?
            • It is not my favourity. I am not a good gambler.
              I rather bet on C or BAC. Seems they have more chance (at least 70%) to bounce back. I believe that those two will be back after certain years. C holds a huge credit and mortgage market and BAC has lots of deposits. Thus I think only thing they need is time. Either down to hell or rise to sky.
    • 发达了吧
      • 一头雾水的初级问题:Hnu是怎么回事?5合1? 为啥我的股数没有减少?呵呵,昨天到今天不会凭空升500%吧。
        • 小心啊,我在IB的虚拟盘上留了200股HND,今天早晨给卖了,结果帐面显示亏了1000多。如果是真实盘,还得给他们去电话折腾啊。
          • 是broker账面还没改过来?Will be Fixed later?
            • 我相信IB一定会Fix的,但是需要时间吧。现在最好不要动,以免制造混乱。
              • For sure. Thanks
      • Same question here