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  • drys,FRE,FNM,AIG ,JASO ,C ,CYOU,ETFC 集中回答一下(ZT)
    drys :和 FA 有关,不能着急,中国经济只要一旦转好就会在明年翻倍。就是白底铺
    是第二个 UAUA。停不住。目前 BDI 在低点,不用怕,明年中国经济只要一好转,DRYS

    FRE ,FNM , AIG :都是不停的掏你的钱,你要低吸高抛,做波段,目前经济不稳,不
    建议持有,只可 DT ST 。

    C:2011年的 @ 35 的靠今天一天就涨了40% ,你看厉害吧?建议长期持有 C。
    C 就是大盘,大盘就是 C,中期看好,即便短期盘整向下。也可持有。
    最近 C 只要接近 4.2x 块钱,你就可以白底铺,近期,这几天,会有一波上涨。

    JASO :最近不好做,这几天石油不好,他就上不去,但是他总有一天会到 7 块。

    CYOU : 在下跌趋势中。等。震荡,有下有上,拿着吧。不会跌太多的。

    ETFC :TA 看看现在刚刚过 2 的压力,上面有一个大空。如果 站稳 2.1x 就直奔 2.4x
    • 谢师太! :-) 以后你就领着大家弄金融股吧,嘿嘿
      • 楚妹妹好!这两天赚发了吧,羡慕啊。。。我落伍了,老比别人慢半拍,还是温和的股票比较适合我
        • mm is妹妹不是庄?
          • 看这架式,楚妹妹不定以后哪天就成MM了
            • 别嘲笑我了, 都泡着呢, 哈哈哈
        • 其实我现在发现弄股票稳定点很好, 我太急躁没耐心,不是买高了就是卖低了,发不了大财, 你们这样的操作挺好,象高卖, 持有一股票一段时间收益是很不错的, 继续向你们学习
          • 你跟灌水的路子很象,同时做很多股,进出都很快,也不会眼晕,我可不行,等我反应过来行情早没了:)
            • 我哪能跟灌大比呀, 他肯定好几个大屏哗哗地闪, 你不知道我都是开小小屏, 一扣扣小的, 都快看不清了, 还得防着有人从后面抄袭, 痛苦不堪呀, 那叫吵股? DT对要上班的人太累了, 所以我也要学一下捂功,这样轻松些
              • 呵呵,笑死我
                • 不要笑哩,说的正是.呵呵.
                  • 我们大家都一样啊,写的很形象。我笑是因为说灌大的好几个大屏哗哗地闪,想着就乐
              • 正解. 实在是非人的生活, 时间长了对身心都是一种摧残, 尤其有错单的时候, 一天什么活都干不进去. 看得专注了常常对来人张口说汉语, 把project的名字说成以前公司的project. 总而言之, 这种神不守舍的状态时间长了影响很不好.
                • Totally agree, thinking of change....
      • 我现在刚知你是楚妹妹,那我更要道歉了.SO SORRY,无意冒犯.
        • 大侠看看是否可以进些ETFC? 今天他的消息啥意思?"E-Trade completes sale of $150 million in stock, selling 80.2 million shares during offering"
          • 目前受阻于汉河,但迟早回过去,
        • 笑死我
        • 嗬嗬,她不会继续生气了,不知者不怪嘛
          • 谢谢
    • 老大,您看C大概什么时候能到11块?
      • 哦的妈, 您目标真远大呀! 要我都得憋死了... 和和和和lol
        • 我的目标比这还远大呢。。。我不会被憋死的lol
          • 嘿嘿嘿, 因为你是师太.
      • 这个我可说不好,迟早会到的:)你有吗?
        • 11块套牢
          • 真有你的, 打死都不割肉! 服
            • 我就是要做股市上一块滚刀肉。
          • 噢。。套牢的东东一般来说解套你就会跑的,不信我们打赌。所以我买的股,一买就涨的我一般会发展为长线,这样的话比较有信心,跌下来也还在水上,如果是一买就跌那我解套就跑,不再碰了
    • 谢谢师太,你推的C, ETFC我都捂着呢,你这么说我就很放心了.
      • C is beautiful now. 我的明天也更你们弄点. 和和
      • C你就放心拿着吧,等发新股,并股搞完了之后还可以加点
        • 这么说就放心了,谢谢莲妹!不过话说回来,股票涨了,特别是有了一定获利,要想不跑太难啦。对我来说除非买后得了失忆症:)
          • 您多钱买的C?
            • 估计比您便宜点儿:)
              • 便宜点?1点1块?
              • 好奇问一句:你真是妹妹?
                • 哈哈哈哈哈哈
            • 不好意思,5.02,我以为很高了,没想到阁下——
              • 花旗是从59掉下来的,我原以为11块买,将来55块卖。。。。。。
                • 当年nortel也是从100多跌倒几毛钱,中间50几,20几的时候,和你想法一样的勇士一大批。后从几毛反弹到8块多,accounting丑闻后又跌回,后10股并1股,最终是现在这个下场。
                  • 从几毛到8块,造就了富翁~~~大公司回光反照,是最好的机会。当然不能尽孝到终,拿了好处记得赶紧跑。
                  • 笨人就是10多快进的2.5省下一条腿出来了, 吓的几年不敢动股票了, 现在有春春欲动了..
    • just my 2 cents; just not a C fan from day 1; C probably can hardly beat the index up percent in next year or two; see my analysis inside;
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I knew quite a few people really love C due to it down from 59$ and today on 4$ something;

      but below fact if you can listen, you would have to agree with me:

      1) a huge company like C is a pure loser in this Financial crisis, except big write-off and borrowed tons of money from big Sam uncle, it getting weaker by selling it sections, department;
      failed to get WM when beat with JPM, failed to get Vokovia bank when beat with WFC

      meantime the company "Growed" 3 times when gov convert the prefered share to common share; few days ago, gov want to sell it 7.7B shares of City (that is 33% of it common share)

      that mean City at 22B common share time today's price 4.65 ~= 100B US$, I even doubt does City really worth even this amount today;

      2) it always the truth the big company stock usually very hard to gain unless it has great potentials and growing power, but City
      a) common share "grows", but company actually shrink
      b) Gov try to sell it's 7.7B share, that for sure anytime will be short term very negative to it's common price if out real; and long term maybe a good news;
      c) City said will issue another 5B shares if this is true, that means afer suck that much money from sam, it still has captial problem; otherwise, why issue new shares; if it is true, I can't see this a positive news to it stock price;
      d) City said to be reverse split, that never a good sign in any stock market for a single stock;
      AIG dropped anther 75% when reverse split at june at 1:20 price down from ~28 around to worst ~ 6.6$ after reverse split become a fact;

      3) regardless what, a huge compnay like city will for sure hardly even beat the index;
      how many times the top 5 our banks (bank of china, Gong1Shang1Yin2Hang2) go up in ShangHai stock exchange even at the 2008 peak index 6000 points;

      No money big enough to Chao3 (manipulate) C and I too didn't see great potentials on it;

      untill all above doubts realized, cleared and gone, I don't think C can rocket up from long term investment perspective;

      Potential grows is the key to any stock's future price; if grows can't be securied, price won't go crazy;

      sorry, no offense to C fans; just my own 2 cents; YMYD;
      this and next year, you can easily pick up some stocks grow 5 times (you can see my other post listed 5 times stocks, they averagly go up 15% in last 2 weeks ) , don't because holding C and waste that opportunity;

      even today, I still think current price C is expensive than BAC though one is around 4$ and one is around 17$, we will see that in next few years to come;更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 请问哪里转帖的?谁都可以发表高见,来源很重要。
    • 好,坚定了我继续拿着DRYS/C/ETFC的决心
    • 对不起师太,不敢苟同。我觉得你的评论比较subjective,屁股决定头脑。
      • 人家是转贴。你说说看你的看法吧?
        • 先说说我的持有,好让大家看清是否是subjective。AIG@40, FRE@1.86,我本人不看好FRE,觉得它过不了2.5。AIG也没什么大出息,打死50块。C上面我捞过一票,现在没了,我认为今年第不会过5.25。ETFC还行,不过我胆子小,没买。
          • hahaha
          • 其实每个人对不同的事情都有不同的看法,很正常。你前面一句无所谓的,但是最后那一句我觉得不好,有点过了,就事论事多好,不要说其他的比较好
            • 就事论事:她的评论比较subjective。
      • 不管主观也好客观也好,如果评论能100%准确,我就把房子卖了,然后再向银行贷最多的款买那只股票.就是很客观的评论有时也不一定管用,搞股票就是搞胜负概率.所以发表评论骂自己可以,对别人语言要纯正.
      • 她推荐的股票我买了赢了感谢她,输了关她pi事,就只关我自己的事,MMMD(my money my decision)
    • 这个帖子是在买买提的帖子,你转贴的不全,后来还加进去好多个股。我在yyb的一个个股帖子更全,不过最近几天我没有总结,只是回答个别同学的问题,每个论坛都有,零零星星的。呵呵
      • 强烈欢迎蓉儿,你就是开会发言的蓉儿吧,就把这当作你的桃花岛吧。
      • Please give the link on yyb, Thanks.