

A different thought; you may right in very short period; US $ may depreciate a bit in next year but eventiually you will see it appreciate alot if from 5 years perspective; unless you think there is one country can replace uncle Sam and it's gov;

Geoge W Bush make US economics down turn 8 years after another 8 years up by Bill Clinton;
don't you think it's not only O8Ma 's idea that US $ should eventiually up and strong; its US global asset strategy make it has to be like this;

you will see a strong US $ may not in 1 year, but in 5 years of time, for sure;
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  • 关于大盘,看看历史咋走的

    • Thanks!
      • 木头来张图?
        • 最近一直看不懂大盘, 忙着看小说, 琢磨 九阳神功 是怎么练成的 :-)
          • lol
          • :-)
    • 完人大侠好! 有您坐阵解读大盘, 我心里踏实多了. 希望多来指教:-)
    • 啊?完人看牛?我太高兴了!
    • 靜靜等詳解.大師千萬別現在閉關啊
      • 别寒碜了,啥大师,也就一蛙
        • 你的貼,我全拜讀過,有料
          • 您赶快拜啊, 和和:)
            • 拜讀拜讀就是拜著讀,檔次比拜高,這你也不懂?
    • 石油期货最近五天成交量暴涨,明显有庄家爆炒的痕迹。大盘下一步如何走,应该是看庄,看散户,最不能看的就是历史记录。
      • 你的意思是: 涨?
        • 我不知道涨跌。我只知道看懂石油,才能看懂这波大盘走势。历史和现在的大盘关系不大。就像完人说的那几个历史点,需要了解当时的情况,才能类比现在。简简单单一根曲线,什么都不说明。
          • 我看了原油, 两天放量下跌+break down! 我前天做空了原油, 但周五给卖了. 也许是个错误. 因为有点看不清, 等大盘趋势出来再说了
      • 你的意思是: 跌?有可能不漲不跌嗎
      • 还是看清美元最关键
        • TSX是小市场,大盘涨落其实控制权在场外。
          • 我说的是原油和美股,加股基本不做
            • Probably a dumb question. Why would you prefer US stocks? For long term investors who have 5 years time horizon, I think buying non-US dollar denominated assets should have higher returns.
              Down the road and if inflation catches up, US dollar is going to depreciate further and other commodity related currencies, like Canadian dollar, would appreciate its value. So, for the long term, Canadian stocks seem to be more attractive, right?
              • 你说的对,没错,外汇汇率折价在里面
              • A different thought; you may right in very short period; US $ may depreciate a bit in next year but eventiually you will see it appreciate alot if from 5 years perspective; unless you think there is one country can replace uncle Sam and it's gov;
                Geoge W Bush make US economics down turn 8 years after another 8 years up by Bill Clinton;
                don't you think it's not only O8Ma 's idea that US $ should eventiually up and strong; its US global asset strategy make it has to be like this;

                you will see a strong US $ may not in 1 year, but in 5 years of time, for sure;
    • 顶出来,温故而知新