

LEN could pull back to around 10$ at least from what I can see now in next few months or so; I would patiently at least untill index show me sigh of stable or even recovery; I will not miss anything, just my own 2 cents; YMYD;

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  • 13.18这个数字怎么样?一生要发:)我想设这个给LEN. KingKong,有意见吗?
    • 要升要发,很好的数字哟。恭喜师太这个位置进,一定发d
      • 呵呵,谢谢!
      • 祝愿师太发财。哈哈。我是不敢进的,可能会12.41附近才敢。不过我最近经常失误:)
        • 我不过心血来潮:)如果投机不成就投资,你看咋样?:)反正美国房地产白菜价,不捞白不捞
          • 就像高卖说的那样,10月份风险有些大。在没有TA背后支撑下,我个人是不敢下手的。不过师太往往看长线很准,恩
            • 你这么一说我又怕了,你那个12。41怎么来的?
              • 别现在买了师太,爱踢说的对
                • ok :-) Thanks!
              • febonacci retracement。从目测看,上升通道已经破了,到时候可能只是反弹。而且12.41并不是精确的。我在公司,很多只能靠目测和手动计算。
                • 哦,那好吧,我1218再买吧,抄你的底,嘿嘿
                  • 真黑,啧啧
                  • Heihei :-)) 一定要发
              • 1241=要我死哟
                • 瞎解释~是“要你死呀”
          • 这样说,白菜便宜就把家里储满白菜,卖不出去自己留着慢慢吃,学巴老作作股东也不错
    • CLS.TO现在8.88
    • if for short term gamble, YMYD; if for long term holding, I would wait; LEN already on down trend, don't take chance to grab flying knife; plus the housing number should geting worse at least in winter; I will do no move in Oct, YMYD; Good luck
    • 这个LEN已经连开11个小,开始赌大?
      • just a remind, my friend; just recently, Natural Gas 连开21个小; 11 is not that big number from my opinion at current market situation and fact; YMYD;
        • 我是不赌这个,只是想问阿莲买的思路是怎样,学习学习,呵呵。
    • LEN could pull back to around 10$ at least from what I can see now in next few months or so; I would patiently at least untill index show me sigh of stable or even recovery; I will not miss anything, just my own 2 cents; YMYD;
      • samqyang, what is your opnion about BAC, it down to 16.20, want to set up a low price to get some? Not allow to buy stock while working.
        • I would not rush in to buy BAC (plus the whole finance section, real-estate section is pulling back) in now season; it up 6 months from worst 2.53$, 6 times, back 2 or 3 times may possible;
          Plus, it's CEO ken lewis forced to leave implicates that the share-holders are not happy at least now (though Ken Lewis will be on the news 3 years from now consider as the greatest merger in history, unfortunately, not so many people agree with that now)

          anyway, point is, the current balance-sheet may still make the funders/holders angry with the move Ken did to merge Country-Wide, Merrill Lyntch into BAC; otherwise, why they force him go;

          at any perspective, like my so many other post insisted, in stock market, not that you only can earn money by holding something, at today's market situation, do nothing and patiently watch is the best move;

          just my own 2 cents; YMYD;
          • back to 9? wiping out all gains from may. you are a big bear :D . if it is true,it's really a double dip.
            • dobule dip will make it back to 3 not 9; a serious pull-back I think; but I will not predict, my approach for the market is watch today-collect fact today-make decision today, can't predict accurately for even Tomorrow;
              • i like your approach. i didn't rule out the possibility of deep pull-back. let's see how thing progress
    • 今天要研究的最后一个股票。。一打开,我的妈呀,4个字,只能短线。
      downtrend in mid-term. but a short-lived rebound is imminent. it's near the first short-term resistance. but look further, it can even test the resistance level at 9.46. for long/mid term investment, i will definitely wait till then to get in. according to TA, we may see some big movement in the week of Nov.12. whether it's up or down is unknown. there will be another important long term movement event in early December. it's a risky stock. just my 2c