

And GE earing 20 cents shares, so it looks same price, GE is earn more than BAC.

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  • find bac" report is expected to report a third-quarter loss of 6 cents a share, according to analysts surveyed by Thomson Reuters" How the news will effect tomorrow's trends?
    • And GE earing 20 cents shares, so it looks same price, GE is earn more than BAC.
    • 这个estimate很早就有了,所以谈不上影响。前几天市场认为BAC的ER会超出预期很多。今天似乎市场对GS和C比较失望(我还是觉得假,MM故意找理由洗盘,其实都比以前的预期要好),不排除BAC跌过了油,然后明天给个惊喜。
      • 这个estimate很早就有, really, 我可能跟市场脱节以为BAC能赚钱没想到还赔钱,"其实都比以前的预期要好", 上个季度都是赚60c, 没想到这个季度还赔钱。
        • 我指的是C和GS的ER,
          相对于以前给的estimate来说要好了,当然和市场预估的有差距,所以今天两只股表现都不好,只能说ER已经提前price in了。如果没搞错的话,自从GS说US bank的股价没有反应实际的盈利能力,C和BAC都涨了快10%了吧。盈利要看他是靠什么赚的,靠卖资产得的盈利不能太当回事。
      • 奥,什么时候真的报表出来压。明天开盘前吗谢谢
        • 用这个看
          • lost 7 cents, even worse. BAC ER is must wrose than estimate.
            • 那个也是预测。。。真的ER只有BAC知道:)
      • 兄弟,提醒你一句,咱们还是跟着图形走
        • 是的,是的。呵呵,猜着玩呢:)
        • 是说我么,我是个姊妹,第二月进入股市,真的不懂什么是图形,全是跟感觉走。这图形怎么说。谢谢
          • 说我呢,我上面说的都是天马行空的猜想。真的要操作需要根据图形判断。今天星大说了句经典的。线是庄画出来的。
    • CEO不好当哦: Ken Lewis, outgoing BofA (BAC) CEO, will receive no salary or bonus for 2009. 不过上亿的退休金也够奢侈余生了.
      "Ken Lewis, outgoing BofA (BAC) CEO, will receive no salary or bonus for 2009 - and will have to repay more than $1M already earned - due to demands by pay czar Kenneth Feinberg. Lewis will keep a retirement package worth between $69.3M and $120M, though"
    • "The sight of big banking bonuses makes it seem logical that the Treasury is pressing banks to return their bailout cash, but banks aren't out of the woods yet - Bank of America (BAC) looks wobbly, and Citigroup's (C) a mess. "