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  • anybody dare to grab some commodities? I did; PCX, AWC, EROC , XTEX; ymyd;
    • Thanks for sharing. But I do not really understand why you want to buy US based commodity companies. If you think commodity will continue to go higher from here, then the US dollar should depreciate even further.
      Therefore, nobody wants to buy US based commodity assets. On the other hand, Canadian commodity companies provide much better ROE. That is why from China to Korea, the state-owned firms are looking for investment opportunities in Canada (Teck and Harvest energy are good examples). And I think the trend will continue and eventually increase the value of a lot of commodity companies in Canada. Also commodity is Canadian's specialty and the capital market is much better here thanks to our conservative banking system.

      Today the market goes down on good news (Home sales number) and that is not a good sign. The next catalyst is next Thursday's GDP number. I would not go short here but still think it is a bit early to open more long positions. My 2 cents.
      • 大侠说的是,由于本人固有的对加拿大(本人服务的公司人浮于事,国家各种基础设施落后)系统的失望,加上自以为股市的机会是暴跌出来的,TSX的平均跌幅远小于DOW,在加上去年初将所有的股市加元在~1。08换成了美元,所以
        • 所以几乎没怎么研究加股,再者,我一直苦恼于看不见加股实时价格,举例WTN.TO来说,我找不到它的公司简介,员工人数,规模,市场份额,
          • 当然了,个人观点,如果从今天来看,我个人认为正因为人们普遍看扁美元,确是我必须介入美元美股之时,等加元过了1,会再换些美元拿美股,因为在资本市场,人们普遍总是错的;
            • 过一两年,回头再看,我对美国还有一个偏见,就是它没有现在其股市所表现的和人们所认为的这么糟糕。。。YMYD
              • 请自行判断,如果我错的离谱,后果很严重,哈哈。。。实货和美国地产是我认为后市的重点
      • "Therefore, nobody wants to buy US based commodity assets" , no, no, not nobody, I am buying, haha;