

煤 (PCX), explode ... holding... YMYD

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  • 煤 (PCX), explode ... holding... YMYD
    • 16.9% today so far;
      • 强,恭喜恭喜:)
      • 弓虽.
    • what is your plan?
      • this strong at this weak market; for PCX , holding it; once market stable, it shall go up even sharply, I think; YMYD;
      • below my post mentioned: <PCX (coal company) as per TA, FA should be above 20$, sigh, market disagree with me; let wait and see ; mark, now is ~12.30 (27 Oct, 2009) > ; so I will just hold it; YMYD;
        • thanks for sharing
    • price is real, volume is real; ... third quarter earning ~0.58; especially, match to my idea of that coal flys with oil; US$ down, commodity up; YMYD; clearly, I think this guy should above 20$ ; let wait and see in next few months;
    • sorry, a creazy guy like me; bought some more PCX at 13.20 ; YMYD;
      • due to out some 13.99 today
        • PCX is a <buy> rating stock in my own rating system; YMYD;
    • 我的看法,只是讨论一下. PCX是高卖兄前一阵提的,他喊的时候有足够的TA支持买. 从那以后走出的TA图形到昨天为止就是个M头,按常规出牌就要决定准备止损出局了.
      今天一个ER,突然改变短期向下的趋势.我估计是空头COVER.不过就此向上我表示怀疑. 况且是在现在这种大环境下. 如果我以前跟高卖买的,那今天就是绝好的逃命机会,或减仓减小风险的机会. 如果没有仓位,也不会在现在去追它.因为如果看好煤炭的话,还有WTN可以买低.

      另外一点对ER的疑问是,预计-0.47,实际是+0.5X, 差了1.05, 误差可是很大的,到底是何产生的?有没有持久性? 搞清处这点才可以决定到底值不值的追.
      • wait. 昨天下午的2:47 PM news 就出来了,可是到今天早晨才跳空高开上拉, 呵呵,太可疑了.
      • Ding
        • 呵呵, 我扔块砖出来就是要引出些玉来.你就DING一下就完了?
          • 赞同高见, 如要上攻,不会隔山打牛,如此大量却上不去,只为散户.
      • 我想PCX明天会从12.78左右开盘,迅速再冲到14然后逐渐回落到12或以下
        • 如果大盘不好,可能就是最后一次逃命的机会了,haha.
      • 在下觉得PCX短期内在12-14间调整的概率很大如果大盘不配合,当然大盘如还行短期内15以上不是不可能,但未来3-6个月上20几乎必然;
        • 1)今天如此弱市巨量上攻,非真的质好不可为,拉升吸货的嫌疑大于拉抬出货 2)最主要的,与我的基本分析吻合,煤将与原油同贵,美元走低,油上煤也上,符合基本面决定价格的本质;
          • 分析的不错,你推荐的不少股票比较适合这里的投资者。
        • 咱们可以边看边叙,我看振荡走高;
          • YMYD;
        • 你现在谈论PCX的口气和你套牢BAC时的分析一样,恐怕这又是一个BAC。
          • 人都有犯错的时候,S大的推荐有些还是不错的。
            • he could be better if he is not so losy and he could realize he did make mistake, not just turn blind eye and ask waiting for one year, may be 10 years.
              • 听我一句,其实股市里就是一个心态,就说我吧,有时是看对了但未必能做对,或因贪,或因惧,道理很简单,低了买高了卖,可低了又不敢买了,高了贪了又没卖,最大的敌人其实是我们自己;
          • hehe, YMYD; don't be so upset on BAC, if you just want to hold it for days, please don't listen to me; really, next year you will know how cheap BAC is now; YMYD, again;
            • Upset, that's you, I'm happy I didn't fall in your trap, almost jump in BAC when you say it's last chance. BAC is no touch for me because...
              • 不管怎么说S大他敢于推而且有他推的理由,我就支持。每个人看盘观点不一样。比方说我现在看空,所以不会去跟S大,如果S大看对了我就会恭喜。S大TA和FA相结合一直都做的很好,有很多值得学习的地方。bash还是不要了
              • please don't be that rude to me, what is the benifit to setup a trap here; to make moeny? please, not everyone will think this way; I sincerely thanks for those many people who share their thoughts and stocks here;
          • Nobody can guarante you a stock will 100% up short term; and I never get a stock eventiually give me 100% return but never down below my entry price, just nobody can guarantee that; YMYD;
            • you can't doesn't mean nobody can. My best return is 8 times in one stock. Many years ago, my recommendation of CNTF give rolian triple return.
              • hehe, then, please share some of those stocks, if I follow, I will eat my own teeth if anything goes wrong; I am a risk taker; MMMD (my money my decision)
          • if you don’t have patience, then stock market is really the place which impatient folks always lose; anyway, Your Money Your Decision (YMYD);
          • besides, I bought quite a lot of PCX yesterday at 11.21 and it once go down below 11.02, I added some at 12.00 the day before as well; I am using the pyramid method to AD the stocks which I am in trust; are U willing or have guts to do that? YMYD
          • please reply to me a year later how much percent you earned on BAC when it above 30$ at least once before next OCT, 27, 2010; I still believe it's just rediculously cheap; just a little bit patience, please;
            • It's not necessary, I could make tons money before that. I don't need to wait for miracle happen. I make it happen.
          • On top of all, everything is no risk no gain, regardless whether you want to be successful in Stock market or in Canada job market, or in your whole life ; Your decison is in your hand;
        • 谨慎的加一句,一己之见,难免偏颇,请自行判断,股市有风险,入市须谨慎;