

uranium, like every other minerals, price go up due to the big demand from China.....

If tomorrow Chinese government would like to curb the redhot economy and stock market frenzy and bubble, that could crush any mining stock, the question is when.......last May there was a huge correction I can still recall......and NOW the Dow Jones Industrial Average has advanced in 24 of the last 27 sessions, marking its longest winning streak since 1927.
Everything for me is so scary now.......don't know whether I should lock in some profit before that dip, and this time the dip would be huge.....
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  • DML 先跌后升,好!可惜没有补仓
    • :))) 冲上15啦!:)
      • 你不是都卖了吗?明天可能要过前期高点15.5了
        • 哈哈, (#1083@43)
        • 不敢说明天,但近期肯定会冲一冲
          • Where can I find the spot price for Uranium? which website?
            • here
              • thanks a lot....
          • will it close above $15 today?
            • 够呛!:(
            • 估计会。
              • hehe.
            • 最好是能收在$15.04+,冲高的机会就大很多。
              • how do u do the analysis? i wanna know...
                • 我这臭水平,你最好别跟我学。我是瞎掰 :-(
                • 我也还在学习阶段。因为觉得$15.04是前期的次高点。
              • hope so, 这个DML让我想起了隔壁的677;), 好像很多Rolians持有。
                • 我估计前几天的跌势把很多不坚定分子给震出去了。:-( 这庄家很可恶,拉高之前先拼命打压
                  • I am so glad that I didn't sell in the morning, I was a bit panic at that time. Anyone who can predict DML tomorrow.....Tomorrow US FED meeting on interest rate and economy data, any impact on DML?
                    • 就是神仙也predict不了:-(
                      • can you predict how high it will reach this time coz i have to set an order for a bit long time... let us say 15.8 or 16 within few days?
                        • 这个礼拜过16很轻松的
                        • uranium, like every other minerals, price go up due to the big demand from China.....
                          If tomorrow Chinese government would like to curb the redhot economy and stock market frenzy and bubble, that could crush any mining stock, the question is when.......last May there was a huge correction I can still recall......and NOW the Dow Jones Industrial Average has advanced in 24 of the last 27 sessions, marking its longest winning streak since 1927.
                          Everything for me is so scary now.......don't know whether I should lock in some profit before that dip, and this time the dip would be huge.....
                        • 希望你没放$16的sell order
              • ok , ur guys are right!!! :)))