

John Embry, Chief Investment Strategist, Sprott Asset Management, to get his thoughts on gold and some mining stocks he favors.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Embry, an industry expert in precious metals, has researched the gold sector for over 30 years and has accumulated industry experience as a portfolio management specialist since 1963. He joined SAM as Chief Investment Strategist in March 2003 with focus on the Sprott Gold and Precious Minerals Fund and the Sprott Strategic Offshore Gold Fund, Ltd. Prior to joining Sprott, Embry was Vice-President, Equities and Portfolio Manager at RBC Global Investment Management, a $33 billion organization where he oversaw $5 billion in assets, including the flagship $2.9 billion Royal Canadian Equity Fund and the $250 million Royal Precious Metals Fund, the #1 ranked fund across the country for its 2002 net performance of 153%.

He thinks that the gold price will break 2000-2500 in the next 2-3 years.

The article is posted as http://www.kitco.com/ind/GoldReport/dec032007.html

He is managing the funds Sprott Gold and Precious Minerals Fund and the Sprott Strategic Offshore Gold Fund,

He is also managing the trust Central Gold Trust

He addressed that his fund would doubled in the next 12 months.

His fund mainly invests in junior gold.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 这年头,股市没得玩,美股跌的那个叫惨,只有黄金金灿灿,也是高处不胜寒,如屡钢丝一身汗,惊回首,已过880关.待到高台跳水时,来也冲冲,去也冲冲,惨!
    • 刚在$10.08出了HGD,今天这过山车坐的闹心
      • 今天谁进了HGD?早上开盘10分钟以内,我的HGD就被Stop Loss,看了一天,想买回来,最后还是决定明天再看看。另外,这金融股什么时候是头呀?有消息跌,没消息也跌。NND。
        • 1-4 月是次级RESET的高峰期,好不了
        • How about "Short the Financial Stocks", anyone take a look at this ETF (link attached). How is it?
          • 这玩意儿就是用来INVERSE OF FINANCE INDEX,不错,可以和QID配合着一起用
        • 俺$9.75进的,$10.08出的,犹豫再三,没敢拿过夜
        • bought at 9.82, sold 10.15.
        • 振幅太大,最好不要用Stop。我几天前10.55进得HGD中线,昨天10.92出来过夜,今天9.91又进去了,重仓。刚发现仓位oversize了,早上在74.3挂得SSO的买单,没想到竟然成交了,明天得减仓。
        • HGD还是等到gold到900再说吧,现在已经890了。
    • http://www.bullnotbull.com/archive/gold1980.html 上面这篇文章介绍了1980年黄金是怎样到850的。 根据以往的经验,如果没有一个令多头也看不懂的狂涨的话,要讨论黄金的顶部还很早。 个人感觉现在的黄金的价格就像国内股市以前的2000点。
      • 谢谢你的介绍,刚看了图,80年的GOLD在最后几天从500左右都是连续5~7个$50~%70的上涨,冲到接近900的顶峰,然后第二天就从870跳水跌到720左右(150多点的跌幅!!!),三天跌到625.太猛了
        • 情况不同。那次是因为苏联入侵阿富汉。当时的美国经济很强。外债很低。现在是美 国入侵伊拉克,外债内债都达到了无法偿还的地步了。因此,这次的黄金在高位1000$以 上会停留相当长的时间。
        • 2008年黄金的行情还将会是振荡向上。很好的投资题材。
    • 金同学,你的总体回报率比我低的原因是因为你太容易动摇。黄金涨到目前这个水平, 经历了20年的休整。因此,黄金也将会在高位风光一段时间的。冰冻三尺,非一日 之寒。认准了美国经济的要害,要坚定信心的持有一段时间,等待黄金的能量彻底 释放出来。不要怕。
      • 我比较小心.这次几次冲击波,TMING得不是很好,方法上始终不完善,对黄金股的强大冲击力,估计不足.这次,加股比美股要强多了.
        黄金已近900了,1000也不远了. 当金股(SPTGD,HUI,XAU)连续出现上下+-5~8%的跳动,GOLD动不动就跳28~50的时候,就要小了. 可以肯定地说,涨得凶猛,跌起来也是一样.
        • 如果你目前踏空了,可以关注一下JUNIOR GOLD STOCK构成的FUND。JUNIOR OLD目前有启动的迹象。我大概在2月份开始,进入这个领域。我预计这些FUND2008年会产生50-80%的回报。
          • 八大侠,我也想买GOLD FUND,你可否推荐几只有潜力的JUNIOR GOLD FUND,我风险自负.谢
            • John Embry, Chief Investment Strategist, Sprott Asset Management, to get his thoughts on gold and some mining stocks he favors.
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Embry, an industry expert in precious metals, has researched the gold sector for over 30 years and has accumulated industry experience as a portfolio management specialist since 1963. He joined SAM as Chief Investment Strategist in March 2003 with focus on the Sprott Gold and Precious Minerals Fund and the Sprott Strategic Offshore Gold Fund, Ltd. Prior to joining Sprott, Embry was Vice-President, Equities and Portfolio Manager at RBC Global Investment Management, a $33 billion organization where he oversaw $5 billion in assets, including the flagship $2.9 billion Royal Canadian Equity Fund and the $250 million Royal Precious Metals Fund, the #1 ranked fund across the country for its 2002 net performance of 153%.

              He thinks that the gold price will break 2000-2500 in the next 2-3 years.

              The article is posted as http://www.kitco.com/ind/GoldReport/dec032007.html

              He is managing the funds Sprott Gold and Precious Minerals Fund and the Sprott Strategic Offshore Gold Fund,

              He is also managing the trust Central Gold Trust

              He addressed that his fund would doubled in the next 12 months.

              His fund mainly invests in junior gold.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • Please read the article in the above post and make sure you understand the difference between Gold stock and Junior Gold Stock. Then you can jump into the market at the right time. Good Luck! It is all about TIMING.
          • 谢谢推荐. 我还是做HGU比较对路.