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  • APPLE Afterhour 大跌到底明天APPLE 价格会有多大影响, 郁闷死了,以后再也不能在不了解一个股票的前提下买了, 178买的,现在惨死了
    • 这和你了解这个股票多少没有太多关系, 现在是大家都是熊市心理, 好消息就是纷纷出货。 买股票, 股票要看, 大盘也要看
    • aapl可能会严重影响大盘啊,好在今天盘前清仓了。至于它的价格,还要看明天盘前交易,看样子不太容易上140了,我一个好朋友也是吃了这个烂苹果,且得拉一阵子稀了……
      • 短期来看真是个栏苹果啊。 长远来看, 好是相信是好苹果, 它得产品会替代很多其他产品得。。 只是现在要咬着呀坚忍了。。。
    • 刚看了一下, appl P/E 好像挺高的,
      • 高科技股的p/e都很高。 GOOGLE, BIDU, AAPL..都高, 关键是现在大家对市场没有信心了, 稍微有点坏消息,就狂抛。。
        • 所以熊市的时候, 高科技股不要碰
          • bidu 很可能是下一个short 目标
        • 这样的股票真是能送你上天堂,更能送你下地狱啊。。没有特别大把握不敢乱玩了,还是吵吵基金,etf, 不用看个股的安全些。。
          • 我现在基本上就炒QLD ,HGU,COW。 感觉玩个股不是很顺
            • 我也是, 只有再HGU,HGD上赚了钱, 其他全部都再亏损。 刚刚开始炒股半年就遇到股灾, 气死了。 现在总共损失4千多。。虽然比起那些大户不算多,可是还是血喊钱 啊。 心疼啊
    • 不必惊慌,APPLE 总的来看基本面不算太差,问题是现在大家恐惧过度。明天很可能AAPL跳空10%以上低开,一如前几天的INTEL
      • 多谢安慰, 定定神,那明天是不是应该卖掉啊, 还是再等等。 我也相信AAPL基本面不烂, 但是现在吵做的成分太大, 就怕机构趁大家恐惧狂抛。。压低股价
        • You should set a price like $150 to sell. Since the volume is quite low and if someone get in to buy like one or two thousand shares and use market price, your order might get filled. Just try your luck.
          • 您觉得明天是不是更明朗些
            • i placed a order on 157
            • Stocks like AAPL and RIMM, even their ER and forecasts are very good, they will shot up the 2nd day, and then just go down quite some before they go up again. This time apple's forecast is disappointing, so tomorrow is definitely down.
              And it may take some time to recover even in an up market. Well, this is only my opinion. Don't blame me if you follow it and lose money. I just want to speak it out to throw out a brick to 引玉。
          • 多谢帮忙。 但愿能被FILL
            • Don't be too greedy. Even you sell it at $150 and buy it back today or tomorrow at around $138.55 (current price) or even lower, you reduce your loss quite some.
            • 不敢贪心设了个151
              • 还是非常感谢,
                • If your AAPL shares are not a big number, don't panic. Every time I panicked, I lost big. Sometimes, if I take the 死猪不怕开水烫 attitude, the situation improved.
                  • 谢谢, 最后设了个149,呵呵。 是不大,但是是178进的
                    • 要是我的话,我才不会明天卖,为什么在消息最坏的时候卖出呢,割肉也不是这么一个割法啊,

                      • 谢谢, 不准备明天卖的, 想试试今天晚上能不能初掉, 不过没有出成, 就握着了
                    • 没有卖掉。 呵呵不过谢谢
          • I don't think you guys understand how the orders are filled.
            Take AAPL as an example. There are two queues: Bid and ASK

            BID: ....137.80, 137.90, 138.00

            ASK: 138.00, 138.10, 138.20, ....

            If some weird (by mistake of traders) order comes in to buy AAPL for 157, it will cut in and jump before 138.00 in the bid queue. This order could be filled for 157 or 138 by the system. If it is filled for 157, you will see a jump in the chart.

            Of course, that selling guy is lucky. He intends to sell for 138, but he got 157. My orders from IB are often filled for better prices than I expected.

            When I cover my short poistions, I often use a higher bid to cut in. For example, when APPL was traded for 138.85, I sent an order to cover for 139. Usually, I got filled under 139.
    • 现在发现不管 ER 好还是坏,公布后股票的反应是根据其自身(还有大盘)在什么状态下而定的,本人短期不看好 AAPL 包括 RIMM
      这是前几天画的AAPL和 RIMM图,走势有点不一样。
      • 但是最近应该会反弹,然后的走法要看其表现了。几个支撑点还是在那里的,还有阻力点。