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  • 请教用过IB的大侠们,哪个银行的美元账户可以用EFT的方式往IB存取美元?我有美元在CIBC,不知道如何转到IB去。谢谢。
    • hello88 和其他用过 IB 的大侠们,指点一下嘛。我问过IB,他说RBC的美元支票账户可以,不知道是否准确。好些call center 的agent其实都是糊涂虫,让我实在觉得他们根本不知道他们在说些什么。
      • The way to transfer money from your bank account to your IB account by ETF is as follows:
        1. Go to Asset Management
        2. Funds Management
        3.Deposits and Transfers
        4. Choose second option: ETF, select Creat Instruction
        5. Input all information as required.
        6. IB will deposit and withdraw small amounts to and from your bank account within several days, such as $0.10 and $0.08.
        7. Come bank to IB after your have the information and input $0.10 and $0.08 through ETF function.
        8. If information is confirmed, you can request a specific amount such as $10,000 to be trasferred from your bank account to IB account.

        You can trasfer CAD to your IB account.
        • That was how I set up the ETF with my TD daily US checking account a few months ago.
          You can transfer your US$ back and forward between IB US account and TD US account. It is quite convenient.
          • 谢谢大侠,我今天去TD开户去了,只给我4张支票,是不是跟他们要他们就给多选?爱哭的孩子有奶吃?
            • When you open an US/CAD account in TD, they only give you 4 temporary checks without your name on it. If you need more, you have to order.
        • 谢谢大侠。我知道如何操作,就是agent告诉我说美元账户不可以EFT,他们真是废物。
    • you can 用EFT的方式往CIBC美元账户存取美元.
      • 我给CIBC打电话,agent告诉我不可以,问过TD,也是这么说的。所以我想看看有没有谁真正用过EFT来传美元。

        • I opened the USD account yesterday, and asked them about the EFT with trading account, the answer is 'YES'. Will let you if I get it through with IB.
          • and I forgot to say, it is CIBC USD account.
          • Is your account "CIBC US$ Personal Account"? Thanks for your information.
            • yes
              • 谢谢大侠。祝你投资发财!呵呵。
    • 请问这里说的 IB 全称是什么? 有网址吗? 谢谢。
      • www.interactivebrokers.ca