

My ACH positions are long calls, not stocks. I recovered some losses in it by selling other calls, and then I cut the loss. The reason is I have been convinced this is a bear market

If you have stocks, I suggest you sell some covered calls to generate some income. Doing so is better than sitting there and waiting for the stock to recover.
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 老五, 你的ACH还拿着吗? P/E才3点多, 感觉很值得长线投资, 忍不住买了些。
    • 我怎么查到ach的pe是12? 不过这个也不算高,而且还有一点分红
      • 你看雅虎财经, PE 是 3.47
        • 还真是的,有没有搞错啊。 另外,我还看到一个Forward P/E (fye 31-Dec-08) 1: 13.86, 这个可能更有参考价值
    • 书里不是说P/E其实对股票的价格影响不大,说很多人参考这个没有太大的意义。
      • 对于高手来说,p/e可能意义不大,因为他们能分析曲线看到趋势和一些关键点位。对于象我这样还不懂分析的来说,p/e是避险的根本
        • 恒指又跌了,不知道明天中概股会否回落?
          • 回落一下也正常,说不定有好机会可以再买点,我想的是中概行情怎么也得搞几天吧,难道一天就结束了?
        • PE is important to investors, but no so important to traders
    • My ACH positions are long calls, not stocks. I recovered some losses in it by selling other calls, and then I cut the loss. The reason is I have been convinced this is a bear market
      If you have stocks, I suggest you sell some covered calls to generate some income. Doing so is better than sitting there and waiting for the stock to recover.