

People should have been ready for Cisco's report. The most important is what Chambers will say.

In 2003 Spring, I bot 200 shares of CISCO right before CSCO's ER. At that time, I did not know ER is a killer to stocks. I bot for 25.10, and it jumped very quickly to $26.20. When ER came out, I felt it was very good-- beat expectations! However, the stock was falling like stones. I hold for a few months and cut for $22.50 in despair. 满嘴荒唐言,一把辛酸泪。真是刻骨铭心的痛啊。
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  • 嘿嘿嘿,股市很残酷啊,刚进了点QLD,$71。60。前几天几个大的坏消息忽略,今天一顶点大事却被放大。 明天盘后有CSCO的报告,这又是一颗重磅炸弹
    • 那是明天盘后,明天还有一天时间出货。 今天这么跌,明天至少会调整一下,今天中概跌的不多,就看明天的了。
      • 明天也不一定有机会给你出货啊,现在市场很容易panic
        • 明天肯定比今天有机会,。 等csco出财报再跌时,我就把他们再买回来。
    • 我还希望 SPX 到 1318 左右。今天到 1333, 再反弹(b) 然后到 1318. ( 一香情愿 了。。。 )
      • 这两天的k线跟8月27、28是一摸一样的,两个光头光脚阴线,一小一大。明天再来个光头光脚的阳线,就perfect了
      • Now SPX hit 1316, I am bullish now, but still not so sure like last time around 1274. bought SPX bull spread, a littile money for bottom fishing.
    • 明天一早有MBA PURCHASE APPLICATION, 估计好不到拿去?期望低开吧
      • 瓦,今天跌了366,明天弹100的机会肯定有的。
        • 不要太乐观了,rsi 40,做空动能还很足
          • 好像他们今天都没cover, 肯定是留待明天作了,
    • 开盘我扔了GRO和RCH,可惜进了NOEC,然后挂买单,TD出问题,取消都没法取消,没能及时止损,NND。好在今天做MAJ.VN不错,从.18做到.23最高到了.27,没吃满,能力不及了,呵呵。
    • 我怎么觉的市场看好 CSCO
      • csco的pe现在不算高,维持这个不需要太多增长,感觉比yhoo要值,,但谁也说不好,现在看好看坏都是赌
    • People should have been ready for Cisco's report. The most important is what Chambers will say.
      In 2003 Spring, I bot 200 shares of CISCO right before CSCO's ER. At that time, I did not know ER is a killer to stocks. I bot for 25.10, and it jumped very quickly to $26.20. When ER came out, I felt it was very good-- beat expectations! However, the stock was falling like stones. I hold for a few months and cut for $22.50 in despair. 满嘴荒唐言,一把辛酸泪。真是刻骨铭心的痛啊。
      • lol~~~亏我还笑得出来
        • 没有什么笑不出来的。When you are laughing, somebody else must be crying.
        • The market is a place where no excuses are made. People will not show a single piece of sympathy to losers.
          If you bot THOO when it was sold off after the poor earnings, you would be very excited now because MSFT savored YHOO. You probably have never thought about of those shorts. Their loss will be about 50% and there is little hope for them to reverse their wrong bets.
          Some big YHOO shorts have gone broke.

          On the other hand, if you bot APPL for $180 and did not cut loss, you would not be happy. When you are not happy, other people--shorts-- are laughing to banks.
          • 看来股市里的经验都是用钱堆出来的. No loss, no gain
            • 中国股民很容易对政府不满。我常听人说,政府一见我们小股民就眼红,搞调控。好像中国政府是最无耻的政府一样。

              Money cannot come out from the air. It can only be transferred from this pocket to that pocket. If you are on the wrong side, no matter what reason it is, you have to accept the fact.
              • 没错。 记得以前还有人跟我一起算过价值增长与总割肉量之间的对比, 虽不能否定股市的投资功能,但肯定投机占主流。
      • 前车之鉴,后事之师,CSCO上个季度也是出了报告后狂跌
        • John Chambers had a very negative comments last time.
      • 看来赌财报一般不如不赌。 即使财报很好,但想象空间没了,接下来如果没有重大消息,很可能是一段长时间振荡,拿在手里也已味道不足了。 今天我也得到一个教训。
    • CSCO
      个人倾向 ER 后涨。
    • The Treasury schedules to auction $9 billion of 30- year bonds in tomorrow. it looks like the index will go down again in tomorrow.