

It seems to be that way. But they can be unified. Take agricultiral stocks as an example.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Agri cultural stocks are in a bullish cycle now. You can buy ag stocks and hold them as investors do. However, you need to have a strong stomach for some pullback. Recently, MOS had been sold off from 110 to $72, POT from 155 to 90 (my numbers are not precise).

However, they recovered much faster than other stocks. If you are traders, you can make money on both sides of trade--long and short from these stocks, because they usually have large intraday volatility. Then, what do you choose?

On 01/22/2008, I short sold ag stocks because Fast Money guys told people there are a lot of money hidden in the ag stocks and they did not have a place to hide. After that, I have been constantly telling myself: Do not short these babies. Why? The trend is up, so we had better not fight agaist the trend.

Here is the deal. If you go long in ag stocks and get trapped, and if you are not really on the hill top, you have a lot of opportunities to escape. If you short sell ag stocks and do not cover at the same day, you may be completely swamped next day when the market is open. This is not kidding, becase I have ever suffered from the run-away stocks.

Having that said, I believe people can be easily get trapped in stocks such as ATV. Well, people may escape after they hold for some time. But that's self-cheating. If you hold a stock for 3 months and finally break even, that means your trading capital do not generate any profits during the past three months.

Obviously, I BELIEVE ag stocks are in a bullish cycle. But that does not guarantee I will win. Anything could happen. For instance, I am long in MOS. If MOS suddenly launch a bid for POT, I will jump off the boat no matter how painful it is. Similarly, if there is a fire breaking out in MOS's factory, what should I do? If the incidence is not severe, I may use calls to recover the loss. If the problem is really big, I have to throw in the towel.

Stocks are just some tokens for betting. A few months ago, APPL was a real bull. Now APPL are selling more iPhones and iPods, but who cares?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 是不是可以说,investor常只作长线(指的是2年以上),一般不作短线(几天到几个星期甚至几个月);而speculator常只作短线或波段,一般不作长线; 我感觉两者的理念差距太大了,简直互相矛盾。
    • 举个例子,很少听说investor会作cut loss操作,而对于speculator这是必修课。 可口可乐从28降到17,也没听说过巴老cut loss.
      • 他的资金非一般人能比的. 再说, 他是分散投资, 如果, 老眼混花, 他全部进了NT, 这个市场谁还认识他呀. 可口可乐输了, 可他其他的都赢了. 总帐还是很辉煌的. 一般人很难做到有他这样的量的. 所以, 可以学他的思维, 但他的具体操作的确有很多不可取之处. (个人意见,决非狂妄)
        • 哈哈,如果巴老那个把所有鸡蛋都放到少量篮子里的理念 弄到NT上,那他就不是巴老了。 所以,我感觉他的真功夫在于分析,在股票之外,而不在于股票的买卖操作技巧上,也应不会用option对冲之类的小技聊
          • 我公司有个 巴迷 , 他只买 BRK-A, BRK-B 这家伙说. 你们整天 Bala Bala 的, 还不如跟着买他的股票. 这种大智慧的东西, 一般小散们弄了半天, 也搞不定, 这次巴 来Toronto 他去和他留了个影. 整天象看初恋情人一般. 哈哈
            • 不管是不是巴迷,象唐一样,也有很多人一赚钱就开始号称巴菲特了。
            • 不过brk看曲线看历史都不错,只是担心巴老退休或出什么问题啊, 要不我很想跟一些,然后只用少量资金博一些高风险比较放心一些
              • 不用担心. 这个世界上又不是只有他一个人. 长江后浪推前浪, 前浪死在沙滩上也未必不可能
        • Buffetts has ever bot a newspaper in Buffalo, NY (not stocks, but the whole company). Guess what? He has become a bag holder...But he is a great investor.
          • 也就是巴老经常买整个公司,一旦公司买错了,根本就很无奈,无法cut loss。。这个绝非speculator所能为之
    • investor一般是建仓并长期hold, 而speculator 认为长期hold根本赚不到钱,最好是作波段。
      • investor建仓时,一般是买入,买入再买入,套利时就是卖出,卖出再卖出,一般不care建仓或出货那一段时期的股价是否波动了10%还是20%。 而speculator一般是买入后不涨,就是看错了,一定要cut loss.
        • 基金也可以做波段。但是操作的频繁程度要低。要忽视小行情,抓住大行情。大行情 来得时候,一定要逢高卖。其实前端我买的黄金基金一致在调整仓位。有的基金公 司是的政策是先进先出。
    • It seems to be that way. But they can be unified. Take agricultiral stocks as an example.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Agri cultural stocks are in a bullish cycle now. You can buy ag stocks and hold them as investors do. However, you need to have a strong stomach for some pullback. Recently, MOS had been sold off from 110 to $72, POT from 155 to 90 (my numbers are not precise).

      However, they recovered much faster than other stocks. If you are traders, you can make money on both sides of trade--long and short from these stocks, because they usually have large intraday volatility. Then, what do you choose?

      On 01/22/2008, I short sold ag stocks because Fast Money guys told people there are a lot of money hidden in the ag stocks and they did not have a place to hide. After that, I have been constantly telling myself: Do not short these babies. Why? The trend is up, so we had better not fight agaist the trend.

      Here is the deal. If you go long in ag stocks and get trapped, and if you are not really on the hill top, you have a lot of opportunities to escape. If you short sell ag stocks and do not cover at the same day, you may be completely swamped next day when the market is open. This is not kidding, becase I have ever suffered from the run-away stocks.

      Having that said, I believe people can be easily get trapped in stocks such as ATV. Well, people may escape after they hold for some time. But that's self-cheating. If you hold a stock for 3 months and finally break even, that means your trading capital do not generate any profits during the past three months.

      Obviously, I BELIEVE ag stocks are in a bullish cycle. But that does not guarantee I will win. Anything could happen. For instance, I am long in MOS. If MOS suddenly launch a bid for POT, I will jump off the boat no matter how painful it is. Similarly, if there is a fire breaking out in MOS's factory, what should I do? If the incidence is not severe, I may use calls to recover the loss. If the problem is really big, I have to throw in the towel.

      Stocks are just some tokens for betting. A few months ago, APPL was a real bull. Now APPL are selling more iPhones and iPods, but who cares?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • investor关注行业或经济的周期,而这些speculator一般不太care, 只要捕捉到一个几小时,几天或几个星期的一个短期波动就够了
      • 老五说的是,以后我连自己的一些事先操作和太具体的看法都不发贴了,对了没什么,错了那绝对是自找麻烦。如有可能,就讨论一些比较广泛的东东或一些事后分析,事后分析不管经验或教训都是只能借鉴思路不能用于操作,不易引起误导。
    • investor关注公司业绩,行业趋势,公司管理层而一般不太关心当前的股票价格和一时涨跌。 而speculator对当前的股价及一些临时消息非常敏感,视同生命。
    • investor看重的是多年内持续稳定的增长,是多年翻多翻的公司和行业潜质; 而speculator看重的是随庄家炒作,财报消息,甚至加减息造成的一时波动,是抓住短时间内3%到30%的那个波幅。
    • investor 关注宏观市场潜力热点 和新兴的有潜力增长的经济体,而speculator在任何市场中只要有波动就能找到获利机会。
    • 不是这样。买基金不要只买一个公司的。一个SECTOR至少买3个公司的。这样,遇到 振荡行情,你可以在高位卖掉表现好的基金。然后离开这家公司,在低位买同SECTOR的 另外一只基金替代。这样就可以象操作股票一样操作基金。当然,要HOLD90-120天。
      • 你说的振荡行情,跟短线的振荡行情不是一个概念吧,肯定是比较长周期的,否则那基金还hold着呢,跑不掉啊