

It does not matter. To play the market, one needs to be calm, not emotional and enthuiastic. To trade, we need use our own brains, not to borrow other people's ideas.

Give you a simple example. Oil stocks were very bullish in 2006. Still, some people got burned, because it had two big corrections as large as 35%. Why? Because one needs a good entry point and exit plan, which is not others can tell you.
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  • 有帖子好像被删了,不知为什么?
    • I usually do not delete positings, but I split the topic if it grows too big. Generally speaking, I try to avoid so-called hot-topic, because it is inconvenient. I have not deleted anything since I removed some ads two weeks ago.
      • 刚才好像看到八大侠的一个提醒TSX还回大跌的帖子,这会儿怎么找不到了?
        • 可能是自己删的。
        • People can delete their own postings, if no other postings have followed.
        • 说句不好听的。很多人把NO。8当大师信奉,会吃亏的。For trading, we can take other people as a sounding board. Although everyone has some time to say something right, no one can clearly see the market.
          • 他投机充满了激情. and he always wins! 呵呵.
            • It does not matter. To play the market, one needs to be calm, not emotional and enthuiastic. To trade, we need use our own brains, not to borrow other people's ideas.
              Give you a simple example. Oil stocks were very bullish in 2006. Still, some people got burned, because it had two big corrections as large as 35%. Why? Because one needs a good entry point and exit plan, which is not others can tell you.
            • 激情,这你都看出来了。妈呀,我咋没有感觉到呢?其实我一点都感觉不到什么。看 到的只是数字。我更多地把市场当成是智力测验。每次,每个SESSION,都感到在和 市场背后的人斗智。胜败没有什么感觉,只是好玩。
              • 这整天能兴奋地和幕后黑手斗智斗勇的, 不是激情是什么啊. 其实我觉得你是很在意胜败地. 看下面, 你还是有追随者的嘛. 反正大家都懒得看书, 到时候CALL一下, 你说卖巴西, 我们决不卖巴豆.
            • 还有一点,一定不要把握当大师看。本人的专业是计算机。爱好数字,对于财经是业 余爱好。目前处于练习阶段。从4-5月开始,真正地转入短线操作(主要那个时候可 以WORKFROMHOME)。
          • 自己心里没底才想听听别人的意见,要是我们有各位大侠的水平,自己就能拿注意了。别人的意见不一定全对,但至少可以借鉴一下,规避一些风险。也请各位大侠能多对形势谈谈看法。
          • 股市中没有神,对所有愿意发言的人都要心存感激。最终还是自己拿主意。
            • exactly。 其实最最关键的一点是,如果因为相信他人的观点和言论而进行操作,结果却导致了亏钱,自己仍要心存感激,并且能够清醒的把1000%的责任归到自己头上。



              但其中可能 15%是误导


              培养自己的独立思考 不管如何强调都不过分。
              • 同意,钉住,别改了。
                • 呵呵,我是看只一标题没太表达清楚我想说的意思,所以加了点解释
            • 完全同意
        • 是我自己删的。因为不想让大家害怕。不过,大家应该警觉起来,目前最好是轻仓。 我目前是50-50仓位。黄金和中国基金为21%-29%。
      • 瓦。。。。好班长,罕见的好班长~
        • Thank you for your flattering. However, I can time out the guys who use bad language. We may talk about money, males and females, and politics, but there should be no personal fightings
          • 嗯,尤其赞赏你这个males and females。。。灵感的源泉~~~