

我的意思是没有制衡,买的时候都往上买,不想买了谁都不要。 In US market, when the stock is falling, some shorts will come out to close their postion and support the market. In addition, ...

Institutional players usually have option positions. They may purposely buy up or sell down some stocks to make profits in their option positions.
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  • Shanghai is testing 4000, or breaking down it. Peopl hope Chinese government comes out to rescue. Any policy just works like viagra. Unless Chinese government uses tax payer's money to buy shares...
    • 班长不看好中国股市?我们怎么着也还有个奥运吧?
      • 你搞错了,我是管你们班长的。Listen: Chinese market has big defects structurally. One cannot short sell, there are no index futures, and options trades are not popular. In one word, one can go long only
        • 班主任,你好,我玩中国股票,因为不能当天止损,现在水下深呼吸当鸵鸟了
          • In my impression, you are a well disciplined player. Different people have different mindsets. Now I would rather cut loss than be trapped on the hill top.
            • 到了那里就不灵光了,时差不对
        • 明白了,校长。小散在中国的股市只能S抗,等着blue pills了。
          • 你又搞错了,校长是管我的。
            • 你的YAHOO MM? lol
              • 分手了.
                • 五哥心放宽些, 好MM多了去了.
              • I cannot hold it forever. BY the way, if YHOO suddenly drops for some reason, we may load some. Eventually, MSFT will bag YHOO.
              • 你今天怎么样? 我才发现离开短线我就不会挣钱了, 买也买不进去, 进去了不知道该出不该出, 多拿一两天心里就没底.
                • very good day. 只可惜我把SEED 5.5卖了,太早,还是做加股有感觉,昨天进的APV.TO 1.33 今天1.48走了
                  • 牛, 什么时候好好聊聊, 把你的感觉给我点.
        • 我的意思是没有制衡,买的时候都往上买,不想买了谁都不要。 In US market, when the stock is falling, some shorts will come out to close their postion and support the market. In addition, ...
          Institutional players usually have option positions. They may purposely buy up or sell down some stocks to make profits in their option positions.
          • 这下彻底明白了。也就是说,中国股市的特点使得涨,跌都比较快,不好刹车。一般只能靠政策刹车。这回理解对了吧,谢谢。
            • 政策也难了。中国股市每上一步,就有人要解套。这是极具破坏性的。
              • 我周围的人都在说“等解了套就不炒大陆股了,学着炒北美的股”。呵呵
        • 中国虽然没有作空机制,但仍然有人有办法把大盘作下去,然后饱餐一顿割肉费。 参见 -->> #23657@43 。 并且我看很多人在说股指期货要今年实行,日子不远了,呵呵
          • Some market makers use lock-down to trap all the players. Lock-down and lock-up are designed to protected small players, but they actually have become the trap for small investors. In USA, bio stocks can drop 60% over night, so it is fair theoretically.