

That means you have to exchange CAD/USD and if you do a return, you lose quite a lot. I have the ordinary account with TDW as well. I know the exchange rates of TDW are better than banks.

I have another account with IB. I can simply buy US stocks, or HK stocks, or european stocks as long as I have Canadian funds and I do not need to buy any HK funds or euro funds. And if I do want to buy other currencies, I can simply buy them at the forex rates. Much better than TDW's.

I keep TDW because I can use it to buy MF and I think it is more secure than any other brokers.

I do not know how is their accounts for those who have a balance more than 100k. I guess they will have a much better interface.
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  • 请高手指路:How to trade on TD Waterhouse?
    最近刚把RRSP转到TD Waterhouse, 打算自己管理。不知道有没有朋友用TD Waterhouse平台做过股票、bonds和mutual funds?
    • 速度很快,服务不错,但价钱贵。REALTIME DATA 要 $99+/MONTH
      • 刚在Td Waterhouse开户,每年100刀管理费, 请问看它的Real-Time Quotes还要另外收钱吗?谢谢
        • When single account profile >= $25,000, the $100 is waived. Whne total family account>=10W, you qualify flat trading rate @ $9.99. But the real-time software + data chabges when you are not trading too often.
          • 谢谢,我没有用它的软件,只是网页看即时行情,这个不需要另外付钱了吧。
    • 用TDW做RRSP唯一的好处是:如果你专做美股,可以避免汇率损失。如果资金不是特别少比如只有几千块之类的,那么汇率损失远比佣金高。
      • 另外对于英语交流有困难的人,TDW是我见过的中文服务做得最好的。
      • You mean, you can buy US stocks even you do not have US dollar?
        • YES, and the converting rate seems good.
          • That means you have to exchange CAD/USD and if you do a return, you lose quite a lot. I have the ordinary account with TDW as well. I know the exchange rates of TDW are better than banks.
            I have another account with IB. I can simply buy US stocks, or HK stocks, or european stocks as long as I have Canadian funds and I do not need to buy any HK funds or euro funds. And if I do want to buy other currencies, I can simply buy them at the forex rates. Much better than TDW's.

            I keep TDW because I can use it to buy MF and I think it is more secure than any other brokers.

            I do not know how is their accounts for those who have a balance more than 100k. I guess they will have a much better interface.
    • 总感觉TDW太贵,但是一直用他们的,当中开过IB,但是转账不太方便。现在我财务系统都在TD,转来转去非常方便。当然TDW的好处还有很多,举些自己的例子
      1. 有中文24小时服务系统,不管什么样的财务问题,都可以随时骚扰他们
      2. 有交易提示功能,有次买100股,写成了1000股,而且是即时价格,他们10秒中之内已经电话过来了,我自己还没发现。
      3. 有时设卖单设低了,他们会以比较好的价格给你成交。
      4. 当然资金相对比较可靠。
      • agree, 一般作几百股的单, TD是每单$7, IB是每单$1, 不过如果做单的不太频繁的话,无所谓的。
        • TDW 7块的佣金要每3个月交易150单以上才行,30单以上10块,少于30单而且资金又少于100K的话就更贵了,1000股要29刀,买过一次2000股收了我59刀佣金 :(
          • 真便宜啊。
            • 不过如果专做美股的话,高佣金和避免汇率损失比较起来,还是避免汇率损失的利益更大。
              • 补充:只针对RRSP账户
                • 没看懂,能否祥解。:)
            • 呵呵,要说便宜是IB,一般0.005每股,但服务上当然是比不上TD。 记得前一段有一个无风大侠,开始用TD一个月就搞了300多单,把TD 小姐都给镇住了
    • TD waterhouse的WEB BROKER很垃圾,图形数据都不行,如果交易多可以申请ACTIVE TRADER PLUS平台,超过150/季度,软件使用免费
      • 呵呵,前一段很想转active broker, 也试了一下感觉很好,,,但因为在单位,不好意思明目张胆的用那个,,最后还是决定继续用web broker了,烂就烂点吧,,,主要功课还是晚上作
        • What are the requirements for qualifying active broker?
          • *active trader, 好像是至少每季30次交易,,如果超过每季150次交易,平台免费。
            • They require you first have 30 transactions to qualify. I hate this. How much for the platform?
              • 同问
              • 好像是100, 不过不确定,离我那次打电话问有一段时间了,感兴趣的话明天你可电话再确认一下, 中文18663946666,英文18662471114,,,如果交易多的话,用IB还是比较划算
                • TDW's platform, compared with IB's, has any advantages and disadvantages?
                  • TD要说好处就是studystock(backtobasic)说的 #29939@43 。 转帐方面,因为我的银行帐户在td, 支票帐户和股票帐户之间转帐可以在网上实时完成。 其他方面比起来 我看还是IB比较划算,ib还可以炒外汇。
              • 是的,如果资金不够10万,前30次总是要收29,,,是比较不公平,呵呵。
                • 不是29,是29"起"!超过1000股还要另外加,对于做低价股的特别贵
                  • 我没试过,那就是说作venture就不能用这个了,,
                    • 2块以下的股票不算股数,按金额的1.5%,够黑的
              • 呵呵,不需要的,我把我的ETRADE的交易记录打了一部分给他们看了看,什么前30次30块这些说法都免了。我后来怕麻烦不想转的时候,他们还打过N个电话请我,另外送了我29个FREE TRADE,哈哈
                有时候打电话那些人比较死板,你可以直接去TD BRANCH试试。如果交易次数不够的话,TD ACTIVE TRADER PLUS是150每月。
    • 真不在乎每年100的管理费?
      • 这在哪里都一样的吧,RRSP都要收管理费的吧。
        • eTrade, Questrade不收。
          • 这是discount brokerage,如果是提供service的,比如TD waterhouse,应该是有服务费的吧?我不太清楚金额是多少,谁能指点一下。
            • 不知道你说的是什么服务. 反正打电话是不要费用的, 只要在它们那里有帐号就行. 你甚至可以在他们那里开个帐号不交易, 而享受电话答疑, 在IB交易.
    • No TD Waterhouse for active stock trader! extremely high price.
      • Why nobody mentions anything about BMO Investorline? I know they have very good service in Chinese Line as well!