

The market was trying to find a bottom in the last two weeks.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛After Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley posted better-than-expected losses, financial sector had a brief rally. Some investors are seeing the end of the massive write-downs by investment banks. Still, investors were nervous. There's rumor Lehman Brothers had liquidity problems too. Here's a joke. Last week traders got a word Lehman would make a anouncement, and they traded the stock down 4%. It turned out to be a anouncement for a high-level new hiring, not a big write-down.

Anyway, it might be safe to say financial sector is seeing a bottom if there's no next Bear. There are still many uncertainties in the overall economy. The official recession calls for two straight negative quarters of GDP growth, but the institution may not strictly follow this definition to declare a recession. Economic data were mixed at the time. GDP growth in the fourth quarter of 2007 was 0.6%. Consumer spending nearly stalled in February, but personal income was unexpectedly higher. The market is closely watching out for the employment data coming in next week.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 高盛明确表态:中国A股熊市已定
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛证指数持续下跌,被套股民极度郁闷。
























    国金证券首席经济学家金岩石此前则曾对“牛熊转化”给出具体条件。金岩石称。如果A股30%的跌幅持续2个季度,则可视为熊市到来,从10月16日开始算,我们还有两个月时间来确认股市是否进入熊市。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • When two or three more analysts publicly declare a bear market for China, it will be time to do bottom fishing. Similarly, if US government data proves a recession, it will be the begiining of a new rally
      • 有道理,我看大庄们就喜欢玩这个
      • 你的话可不可以这样理解:等美国政府数据证明进入衰退了全球股市的下跌才到BOTTOM, 现在还没到BOTTOM.
        • 那得等9月份了
          • why?
            • 衰退的定义是两个季度GDP下降,现在才公布2007四季度为0.6%,那么要公布出2个季度的负数不是得等9月份了么
              • The market was trying to find a bottom in the last two weeks.
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛After Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley posted better-than-expected losses, financial sector had a brief rally. Some investors are seeing the end of the massive write-downs by investment banks. Still, investors were nervous. There's rumor Lehman Brothers had liquidity problems too. Here's a joke. Last week traders got a word Lehman would make a anouncement, and they traded the stock down 4%. It turned out to be a anouncement for a high-level new hiring, not a big write-down.

                Anyway, it might be safe to say financial sector is seeing a bottom if there's no next Bear. There are still many uncertainties in the overall economy. The official recession calls for two straight negative quarters of GDP growth, but the institution may not strictly follow this definition to declare a recession. Economic data were mixed at the time. GDP growth in the fourth quarter of 2007 was 0.6%. Consumer spending nearly stalled in February, but personal income was unexpectedly higher. The market is closely watching out for the employment data coming in next week.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                • The financial secter was down significanntly durng the past few days on the speculation that Lehman Brothers has liquidity problem. Now it disclosed a fraud case with a Japanese bank, which should be explained as good news
                  • Paulson is now proposing a big plan of reworking financial system, raising possibility of huge change in regulations.
                    In the long run, it may make the system healthier. In the short run, how do you think the financial sector will respond to the news? Will the plan increase investors' confidence in the sector or just add more uncertainties in the whole sector?
              • The market will not wait until September. 资本的本性决定了它必将蠢蠢欲动。
        • The market is always forward-looking. It does not really care bad things, but it does fear uncertainties. Stock prices always go before the economy.