

If a person does not have any rule to follow, I could not imagine they will be succesful in investment or trading.

In my eyes, all those flaws in our personalities will be reflected in trading in some forms. I have paid big prices and I believe I will not be the last one
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  • fsp是个好同志~我记得看过他好几篇房产的帖子,写得挺好的。大宗商品的引申也不错啦,算有自己的看法。不要上来就说人啦。
    • You are wrong. The dispute here is about how to use and borrow other people's points of view.
      • 这个吗,我看到fsp的辩解了。其实,我的想法类似,就是你把这里当作什么。是严肃的媒体,文字必须要注明出处,还是闲聊的地方,看到过的有趣文字就可以拿来当段子~无妨自己改改。要求大家都严肃不是不可以,但是遇到别人聊天时聊得得意冒犯规矩,


        • Internet is a virtual world. But people still need to keep some bottom line. If you post other writers' stuff as your own opinion, it is a kind of cheating. Your readers will feel extremely bad after they find out the truth.
          I hope you don't do that way. Nobody can discipline you or sue you. But I can guarantee you will bring hurts, instead of pleasure, onto other people.
          • 这有个认同问题。如果对话的多方彼此有共识,那么自然都会遵守共同的准则。如果没有共识,那么当然容易有冲突。看来几位似乎不打算和别人寻找共识呢?
            • 做人有底线. 网络是一个虚拟世界,但也不是可以随心所欲的。
              • 就是这里的底线并不见得就是防止四海皆准的嘛。人家碰了底线提醒一下就好了不是?太厉害就把人都撵走了,小圈子就剩2、3人就没意思了啊。
                • It does not matter. We don't care how many people we have. By the way, your comrade left here voluntarily. He had already been reminded before he was caught pilgarizing Dr. Xie's article again.
                  • 我知道你作为这里的斑竹希望能用合适的方式维持论坛的次序和帖子的质量。但发言时候请用“我”,而不是“我们”,你并不代表这个论坛所有人或者说大部分人的意见。2cents.
                    • In English, it it more polite and conservative to use "we" instead of "I". If I use "I", it will give people an impression we are not a group.
                      • "We" 任何复数情况下就可以用. You and Me就足够了, 毫不犹豫地用"We" 吧!
                        • If a person does not have any rule to follow, I could not imagine they will be succesful in investment or trading.
                          In my eyes, all those flaws in our personalities will be reflected in trading in some forms. I have paid big prices and I believe I will not be the last one
                  • 老五, 我支持你! 我认为要支持原创,观点可以不同. 但拿人家的东西来沽名钓誉, 很可耻. 转贴, 请别忘了写明. Rolia 就是个私人网站. 就是属于某个人的. 到人家家里来, 要学会尊重主人!
                  • ^O^,看来几位把rolia当作是小圈子的地盘嘛。了解。是否可以直接问一下,rolia是你开的吗?
                    • The owner of this site is Sailor. Yes, we only welcome the people we deem decent. Yes, it is a small circle. 我们没有义务为某个人或某些人服务,更不再乎某些人的要求. I hope this has been explained clearly enough now
                      • 哦,原来不是你开的啊。^O^看你这么牛,还以为你自己家的呢。
    • 我都不明白这有啥好辩解的。大部分论坛都会要求分清转贴原创。Rolia已经是比别处论坛还宽松的地方。你个人底线也许很低,但是出来混嘛,就要遵守社会的道德价值观。 我个人不介意文章里引用一些别人的话或者观点。但是几乎全文不动的只是改了两个字,怎么也得说明一下8?