

No. Do you know how accounting uses the weighted average cost method to compute inventory cost? That applies to stock cost base for tax purposes. What you said is FIFO method (First in First out) that is not the case for tax.

Use the book value provided by your broker as it has been adjusted for tax. It takes time to get the tax base for a stock after many times of trading.
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  • 请教报税的问题,questrade 给的trading summary 2007是不是就是保税用的slip了。proceeds和cost是什么意思。第一次报,谢谢。
    • trading summary 2007就是保税用的slip。proceeds就是扣掉手续费以后你卖出股票得的钱。cost就是当初你买股票的成本,手续费已经包含在里面了。 用proceeds-cost就得出你这笔是gain还是loss。。。把所有的加起来。。。报税用。。。
      如果所有加起来是正数。。。恭喜你,去年炒股赚钱了。把那个正数除以2,填到你的T1表的line 127. 另外还要填一张schedule 3.就完了。。。。
      如果加起来是负数。。。嘿嘿,不要悲伤。。今年赚回来。。。如果是负数,line 127就是0,schedule 3还是要填的。另外还要填一张T936,把你今年亏的数除以2,放到Chart A. 这个数以后可以抵消来年的capital gain的一半。。。明白?
      • 太详细了,谢谢老兄。
    • 经验之谈, broker trading summary 上的COST不一定可靠, 特别是你的股票是从其他BROKER转进到该帐户的. 它的COST也不一定就是报税用的ACB (adjusted cost base), 特别是频繁交易某个股票, 不是单一的一进一出. 还有要特别注意的是MUTUAL FUND的ACB.
      • 谢谢,那么您是根据broker提供的每笔交易记录来计算最后的gain/loss吗?如某只股票频繁交易,买1500,但在年底前卖了1300,还有200股没卖,那么在计算gain/loss时是不是就不将最后买的200股计算在内了?
        • No. Do you know how accounting uses the weighted average cost method to compute inventory cost? That applies to stock cost base for tax purposes. What you said is FIFO method (First in First out) that is not the case for tax.
          Use the book value provided by your broker as it has been adjusted for tax. It takes time to get the tax base for a stock after many times of trading.
          • 谢谢,我研究一下。