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  • Just had a look at the chart of SPY. It looks so beatiful to me... more charming than YAHOO MM....
    • want short? let me guess, FED cut 25 and predict no cut in short term because of inflation. Stock down sharply afterwards. good luck, it maybe a short time trap.
      • Trap whom? Longs or shorts? There are enough profits there... The fuse has been set.
        • 你是看空还是看多呢
          • What's your idea? We have a chart here...Actually I am confused by ican's posting
            • 我听专家的,说是真得放量站上1400, 看多, 不过1409会再有很大阻力,可以考虑少量做空, 所以我不知道了,想听听你得, 谢谢
              • No one can precisely predict for the market. But I have the following reasoning: If the market rockets up, there should be some surprise. What could be that surprise? Cut 25? Cut 50? Promising cut more? Promising no more cut?
            • 老五,凑个热闹,仅供参考
            • 老五,请教一问题. SHORT SKF 和 LONG DOUBLE XLF那个更好些?
        • 不好意思昨天没及时回. SPY从图上看是一颗星而且也接触到前期的高点1400左右. 给人的感觉是可以SHORT它一下. 不过我以为市场现在的SENTIMENT和前期不同了. 两三天能有可能回调一下. 如果周末PAYROLL的数据不错的话, 空头可能连COVER的机会都没有. 熊市就告一段落了.
          • should we hold some short and long position at the same time?
            • 每个人做法都不同. 我现在开始小心的LOAD金融EFT.希望下半年有个好收成. GOLD继续看空. 有可能在780到800一线LOAD一些. 农业看空, 等回调. YMYD.