


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛这是近一个月的house positions。若无重大利好消息,可能要盘整一段。这段的Pattern有点象07年九月时候的情形。大家好运。

Here are all the house positions for V: CTS from 5/17/2008 to 6/17/2008.

25 Records Returned

House Positions
Exch House Bought $Value Ave Sold $Value Ave Net $Net
V 80 National Bank 471,000 124,802 0.26 23,000 7,761 0.34 448,000 -117,041

V 7 TD Sec 1,011,500 353,149 0.35 789,620 255,908 0.32 221,880 -97,241

V 11 MacQuarie 110,000 43,785 0.40 0 110,000 -43,785

V 36 Latimer 36,000 15,890 0.44 0 36,000 -15,890

V 83 Research Cap 33,500 10,560 0.32 23,000 8,060 0.35 10,500 -2,500

V 27 Dundee 10,000 3,300 0.33 0 10,000 -3,300

V 62 Haywood 25,000 9,250 0.37 15,000 4,950 0.33 10,000 -4,300

V 6 Union 10,000 3,800 0.38 0 10,000 -3,800

V 95 Wolverton 4,466 1,303 0.29 2,000 640 0.32 2,466 -663

V 54 Global 50,000 15,445 0.31 48,000 18,340 0.38 2,000 2,895

V 5 Penson 4,500 1,462 0.32 5,000 1,475 0.30 -500 13

V 70 Berkshire 10,000 3,200 0.32 12,000 5,280 0.44 -2,000 2,080

V 57 Interactive 0 3,300 1,038 0.31 -3,300 1,038

V 124 Questrade 20,000 8,700 0.44 25,000 8,100 0.32 -5,000 -600

V 19 Desjardins 2,000 670 0.34 8,000 2,830 0.35 -6,000 2,160

V 46 Blackmont 109,500 38,997 0.36 135,418 49,380 0.36 -25,918 10,383

V 68 Leede 230,500 67,102 0.29 259,500 70,975 0.27 -29,000 3,873

V 1 Anonymous 545,500 206,670 0.38 577,500 219,320 0.38 -32,000 12,650

V 79 CIBC 46,000 17,912 0.39 89,000 27,809 0.31 -43,000 9,897

V 85 Scotia 65,000 15,700 0.24 125,600 43,630 0.35 -60,600 27,930

V 59 PI 0 62,951 20,508 0.33 -62,951 20,508

V 33 Canaccord 26,000 7,645 0.29 95,874 33,119 0.35 -69,874 25,474

V 88 E-TRADE 128,000 44,633 0.35 209,020 72,846 0.35 -81,020 28,213

V 2 RBC 38,000 12,850 0.34 207,780 70,419 0.34 -169,780 57,569

V 9 BMO Nesbitt 52,000 16,656 0.32 321,903 101,093 0.31 -269,903 84,437
Total 3,038,466 1,023,481 0.34 3,038,466 1,023,481 0.34 0 0更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 今天不做了,又抓了个VENTURE的大牛股,有想要的朋友PM我。
    • 可以pm我吗?多谢
    • .请pm我,多谢.
    • 看来坛子里不下10个人做VENTURE啊,这个股是CTS.VN。无论是技术面还是基本面都极好,今天又创新高了,让时间来验证一下这个股究竟能走多远。什么时候买卖,大家自己把握,YMYD,赚了你可以开心的说句请我吃饭,万一赔了,别在后面毁我就成。
      • 师傅领进门,修行在个人,徒弟也有悟性好的和差一些的,怪不得师傅,你放心吧 :)谢谢
      • 学习,呵呵。
      • CTS今天洗盘,毕竟短期已经接近100%升幅。下一个消息本周要出,应该是PP价格,到目前我一股未卖。
      • CTS今天.45是个自动买单。 46号机构是BLACKMONT。BLACKMONT也将是为CTS做PP的BROKER之一,看看下一步MM怎么做吧。
        • PP的价格很难说,有的时候爆一下就没了。
          • 这是CTS和INSTITUTION的第一个PP,BIG VISION AHEAD,这是我为何敢在高点推这个股的原因。一般来说我最擅长的是BOTTOM FISH,我对它很有信心。
    • All in.
      Just kidding :-) Thanks!
    • 重仓!
    • 旁观!
    • 信用卡全都都透支了。还加上50K的高利贷。
      • never trade one stock like that, even when you're quite confident
        • He is just kidding. So am I.
    • 马上拿出全部secured line of credit去买!!!
    • bid .45. new high.
      • does it bounce? how to know it is uptrend?
    • 几位一下子就把价钱抢上去了,我就先不凑热闹了,等它消停点
      • 别逗了,除了个别吃了.44,大概3k左右,.45都是1号MM吃的
        • who is 1号MM? IB? 楼上几位声势惊人呢,吓的我...
        • Can you share your entry, stop and target?
          • entry .40, stop .35, target........, imagination....
            • maybe one day when CTS's volume is more than 1 million i will consider to sell half
              • Thanks a lot. Let's get serious here. What is play here exactly?
                • i can't tell you everything buddy. you need to do your own due diligence.
                  • Of course I will. Just need some starting points.
        • 你完了,这次有人赔钱的话,他们一定会吃了你的!哈哈哈
          • 我在这里推荐过的VENTURE股票,还没有让人赔过。
            • 你这个PICK是不是 TRANSPORTATION 板块的?
              • 不是,另外这里的哥们没有在.44左右吃的,有些人要吃也是吃到.48去了。我可以TRACK所有的交易记录。这个股不是交通板块的,要算,可以算个小中概吧,上它公司网站去看看,http://www.cantronics.com/
                • 这样冲法哪吃得到。等等看能否检漏吧。
            • 这里混的都是大款,几下子就PUMP上去了
            • 打算跟踪此股。再次问灌水老大,CAJ.V有无投资价值,现行价位合适吗?谢谢。
              • CAJ这个位置我觉得风险不大。是否值得投资不好说,这个公司的管理层很会pump自己,VMS发现铜矿它就到周边去买地,GXS发现煤矿,它又去,还买了POTASH的LICENSE,题材多多,有MM在里面反复做,至于它究竟有没有可能搞投产,还太远难说着呢。
                • 谢谢老大的及时详解。HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND.
                • GXS今天什么消息,眼睁睁的看这从9跳到11块
                  • 没消息,mm控盘了,自拉自唱,总有一天会跌下来的。我就不信真有这么好。
                    • 应该还有点汤可以喝
    • 如果谁跟我买了CTS,请你务必抓紧了!好戏刚刚开始,后面还有太多的故事,自己做研究吧。
      • does it change it too much like from today it rise up 20%, monday it down 5%. how to control the risk? (btw, now it 0.48, how much will be top, must excape thanks
        • venture涨20%跌20%就跟玩似的,你认为涨得多吗?我认为一点不多,看一下周五的主动性买卖盘比较就知道了,.44后,根本没有什么主动性卖盘。
          • 你怎么区分主动性卖盘和主动性买盘?谢谢!
            • 我有可以统计的软件。
              • 我有一只venture小股,前天有break out的迹象,能否请您法眼鉴定一下?
                • 哪个?
                  • CVE:FVR, Thanks!
                    • FVR很熟悉啊,是LV的庄,近期走了个箱体突破回抽。基本面是风能股,属于替代能源板块,比较热门的板块之一。这个股的问题是,1流通盘大,2,低价的PP太多。我很怀疑这个股票会做REVERSE SPLIT.。握着能赚钱,.26左右是阻力位,爆的可能不是很大。
                      • Thanks! 低价的PP太多是什么意思?我的成本是0.20,早知道0.26是阻力的话,前天0.25出了就好了。
                        • private placement的价格太低,大概都在15cents以下。
                          • Thanks again, btw, where did you get private placement data?
                            • 可以去它的网站去找所有的news历史记录
                              • OK, Looks like I need to do a lot of home work if I want to make some serious money :-))
    • 有做中概的熟悉CSR的可以类比一下CTS,CTS走的是CSR的老路,并且CTS是加拿大公司,CSR是中国公司。
    • 我要说句不该说的话。



      我可不想此坛把你变成下一位 无心大侠,
      • TOM兄说的是,我也是一时给GM搞得信心百倍,另外介入CTS非常及时,所以有点话多了。毕竟公共论坛这样说个股有误导的嫌疑,不是每个人的承受能力都像我这样。我最近说VENTURE的另一个原因是觉得这是一个被大家忽略的领域,而且最近机会太多……
        • Thanks for your generous sharing. I am considering paying more attention to TSX. The high oil price will continue to depress the US indexes, but lend a lift to Canadian ones. TSX has and will continue to outperform DOW and NASDAQ this year.
          • 不客气,我主要做TSXV。大家多交流,如果不方便在这里喊,PM 我。
    • 感觉这个股近期要调整。你荐股的那天恰恰是高点。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛这是近一个月的house positions。若无重大利好消息,可能要盘整一段。这段的Pattern有点象07年九月时候的情形。大家好运。

      Here are all the house positions for V: CTS from 5/17/2008 to 6/17/2008.

      25 Records Returned

      House Positions
      Exch House Bought $Value Ave Sold $Value Ave Net $Net
      V 80 National Bank 471,000 124,802 0.26 23,000 7,761 0.34 448,000 -117,041

      V 7 TD Sec 1,011,500 353,149 0.35 789,620 255,908 0.32 221,880 -97,241

      V 11 MacQuarie 110,000 43,785 0.40 0 110,000 -43,785

      V 36 Latimer 36,000 15,890 0.44 0 36,000 -15,890

      V 83 Research Cap 33,500 10,560 0.32 23,000 8,060 0.35 10,500 -2,500

      V 27 Dundee 10,000 3,300 0.33 0 10,000 -3,300

      V 62 Haywood 25,000 9,250 0.37 15,000 4,950 0.33 10,000 -4,300

      V 6 Union 10,000 3,800 0.38 0 10,000 -3,800

      V 95 Wolverton 4,466 1,303 0.29 2,000 640 0.32 2,466 -663

      V 54 Global 50,000 15,445 0.31 48,000 18,340 0.38 2,000 2,895

      V 5 Penson 4,500 1,462 0.32 5,000 1,475 0.30 -500 13

      V 70 Berkshire 10,000 3,200 0.32 12,000 5,280 0.44 -2,000 2,080

      V 57 Interactive 0 3,300 1,038 0.31 -3,300 1,038

      V 124 Questrade 20,000 8,700 0.44 25,000 8,100 0.32 -5,000 -600

      V 19 Desjardins 2,000 670 0.34 8,000 2,830 0.35 -6,000 2,160

      V 46 Blackmont 109,500 38,997 0.36 135,418 49,380 0.36 -25,918 10,383

      V 68 Leede 230,500 67,102 0.29 259,500 70,975 0.27 -29,000 3,873

      V 1 Anonymous 545,500 206,670 0.38 577,500 219,320 0.38 -32,000 12,650

      V 79 CIBC 46,000 17,912 0.39 89,000 27,809 0.31 -43,000 9,897

      V 85 Scotia 65,000 15,700 0.24 125,600 43,630 0.35 -60,600 27,930

      V 59 PI 0 62,951 20,508 0.33 -62,951 20,508

      V 33 Canaccord 26,000 7,645 0.29 95,874 33,119 0.35 -69,874 25,474

      V 88 E-TRADE 128,000 44,633 0.35 209,020 72,846 0.35 -81,020 28,213

      V 2 RBC 38,000 12,850 0.34 207,780 70,419 0.34 -169,780 57,569

      V 9 BMO Nesbitt 52,000 16,656 0.32 321,903 101,093 0.31 -269,903 84,437
      Total 3,038,466 1,023,481 0.34 3,038,466 1,023,481 0.34 0 0更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 我推荐的时候, CTS的ASK只有.43 .44,我本人是40左右上的。至于有没有消息,呵呵,咱们拭目以待吧。总之呢,你认为要调整,我认为深调的可能不大,个人个人意见。HOUSE POSITION我已经很久不看了,我自己两个帐号就可以倒来倒去,更别说MM了,只有参考意义。
        • 多谢灌水兄,我吃了个昨天的最低价。415
          • 不客气,你敢相信我冒了风险去做股票,盈利完全就是你该得的,我不过是把这个股票带到你的视野里罢了。
    • CTS.VN news out. .35 private placement without any warrants.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Mr. James Zahn reports


      Further to its news release in Stockwatch on June 11, 2008, Cantronic Systems Inc. and its syndicate have agreed to price the best-efforts private placement at 35 cents per common share to raise approximately $5-million. The syndicate is led by Leede Financial Markets Inc. and Blackmont Capital Inc., and also includes Canaccord Capital Corp. and Research Capital Corp. The private placement will be of common shares which will be offered to accredited investors in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec. The securities issued will be subject to a four-month hold period. The offering is subject to customary conditions and regulatory approvals, and is expected to close in mid-July, 2008.

      The company has granted the agents an option to purchase up to an additional 15 per cent of the common shares sold under the offering at the issue price, exercisable until 24 hours prior to closing.

      Aside from the money raised from investors on the president's list, Cantronic will pay a 7-per-cent cash commission to the agents and will also issue warrants entitling them to purchase a number of common shares equal to 7 per cent of the number of common shares sold under the offering. The broker warrants will be issuable at an exercise price equal to the issue price for a period of 12 months from the date of closing.

      The net proceeds of the offering will be used to finance an acquisition in China (see news release in Stockwatch on June 2, 2008), as well as for commercialization and general working capital purposes.

      We seek Safe Harbor.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • PP price was normally at discount to the deemed stock valuation to attract investors. CTS will need to do rounds of PP in the next three years to at least finance their acquisation in China--the target company has 10m revenue, twice that of CTS.
    • CTS有几个朋友发消息问我,我上周没怎么上ROLIA,去CHINASMILE混了混,回消息迟了,见谅。
    • 上周我在chinasmile上提的UNX.VN周五涨了接近100%,爽!私下我也和完人提过,可惜他没及时杀入,现在不太敢在这里大声喊VENTURE股,虽然我对CTS后市还是看好,毕竟有兄弟跟进被套了。